Admit That You're Mine

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Ayako wasn't happy. Takigawa knew it the moment he stepped into her bedroom. He was feeling good. And looking good, if I do say so myself. He tried not to preen too much as he caught sight of himself in Ayako's full-length mirror. He was wearing a suit and tie, ready to go to Ayako's yearly summer banquet. It was being held at an expensive hotel in the middle of Tokyo, where they would be treated to a fancy dinner and a formal party afterwards. Ayako huffed as she tugged her blazer collar. She despised these things.

"You look gorgeous." He knew that wasn't what was bothering her. Ayako was hardly modest. She knew she was hot. She was wearing a tight black dress that hugged every curve and stopped high on her pale thighs. The blazer was just for the evening chill outside. Beneath it, her shoulders were hugged by thin straps. Her red hair was freshly blow-dried and brushed out. She didn't need any spray to hold it in place. Her makeup was simple, dark colours. A deep red on her lips and deep brown around her eyes.

"Thanks...So do you," she replied with a little warmth as she looked at him in the mirror, tugging her hanging diamond earrings as she did so. Takigawa grinned almost smugly as he slipped his hands in his pockets. He didn't wear a suit that often. In fact, he mostly only had one so that he could accompany Ayako to these sorts of things. It was part of their agreement. If either of them needed a date for events, then they were covered. Takigawa's hair was in a windswept style, the top half tied while the lower half was free but remained neatly in place about his shoulders. His tie was neat, top button fastened, collar neatly turned down, and his jacket neatly buttoned. The only thing that gave away his more casual nature was the single earring, a silver dragon, dangling from one ear. He was trying so hard that Ayako didn't bother asking him to remove it. "There will be a lot of alphas," she warned with a sigh.

"I took an extra suppressant." It wasn't entirely necessary. He wasn't that close to his heat anyway. He was trying not to be too nervous himself. This was a big event for Ayako. Her parents, the owners of the hospital, would be there as well as staff from other branches. Most doctors, for some reason or other, seemed to be alphas. Like the legal profession, medicine was crawling with them. It could have been something to do with their natural confidence, but some jobs just drew alphas to them. Coincidentally, a lot of kindergarten teachers and nursery staff were omegas. "We should get going. The taxi will be waiting," he added softly as he watched Ayako fuss with the glittering diamonds at her throat.

"I really-" Ayako began with a sigh.

"Hate these things, I know." Takigawa couldn't help being amused as he stepped closer and rested his hands on her strong but delicate shoulders. "But it's the perfect place for you to show me off, right?" He kept his teasing grin as Ayako huffed her own quiet amusement. He wasn't entirely wrong. She did like it, that she could throw in her co-workers' faces that she had someone. They often talked about her, saying that she was too uptight, cranky and cold to have a partner. Though technically they're not wrong. This is just a simple agreement we have between us...Ayako grabbed her purse before allowing Takigawa to lead her downstairs. Unlike Takigawa, she lived in a proper house. It had been a gift from her grandparents. It was the perfect size for a large family and even had a garden.

They were quiet during the taxi ride, and Takigawa could see Ayako's leg twitching faster and faster the closer they got to the venue. Once the taxi stopped, the door was opened by a valet. Takigawa stepped out first and waited for Ayako, who had paid the taxi and been helped out on the other side by another valet. Takigawa held his arm out, feeling somewhat smug as Ayako's hand gripped the crook of his elbow lightly. She was his height now, with her tall heels on. He didn't know how she could walk in them. He often called them ankle breakers, but he'd never seen her stumble, not even once.

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