Decisions Decisions

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"This is ridiculous!" Mai couldn't to keep the heat from her cheeks as Yasuhara explained the item she'd been strapped into. At one end, there would be a plug, giving her a little stimulation while helping to keep the harness in place. At the other end would be a toy of Naru's choosing so that she could...Mai couldn't even think about it. Her cheeks flushed in mortification. He seriously expects me to wear this and...

"Why? Do you think Naru would object to it?" Yasuhara asked seriously, watching Mai's gaze drop. She did worry about rejection, but at the same time she recalled Naru's words from the club. I would absolutely bend over for her. Her cheeks flushed at the very thought. It was an enticing image, one she might like to see, but she wasn't sure she had the confidence and drive for it. She also didn't know exactly what to do in that regard. "Don't worry, I'll teach you." Yasuhara soothed as he picked up on her unease.

"Are you almost done? Lin and John have already-" Naru's voice choked off, blue eyes widening as he drew back the curtain enough to slip inside. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he gave up, blue eyes dropping to the floor as his cheeks flushed. "I think the shop will be closing soon too," he added, looking up as he felt a firm hand on his head, tugging his hair. He found his eyes on Mai as she covered herself self-consciously.

"Good timing. Mai wasn't sure you'd like it, so...tell her," Yasuhara encouraged as he released Naru's hair and watched him flush.

"I-I don't dislike it." The confession made Mai's cheeks darken to match. Yasuhara chuckled as he looked at the pair. It was strange to think they were so inexperienced when they were all so close in age. Then again, if I hadn't joined the service when I did, I'd probably be the same. He couldn't recall a time he'd blushed about sex.

"Close enough. Anyway, I've already picked out the attachments for you, so go ahead and take it off." Mai's cheeks burned at the idea of attachments, but she was willing to do as he said. He was kind enough to have offered to help her. Help them. "So, did you make a decision yet? Where do you want to stay? Your place or mine?" Yasuhara asked as he turned to Naru, who blanched at the question.

"I-I...I don't have any supplies at home, and I'm worried about disturbing Lin and John, so..." Yasuhara nodded his understanding as he trailed off. He could imagine how awkward that might seem.

"Great! My place it is, and don't worry. I've had my walls sound proofed...You can scream as loud as you want," he teased as he took Naru's chin and looked into his apprehensive blue eyes. Naru shivered under his touch, lips twitching as Yasuhara's thumb brushed over them. "Mai, you can come straight over from here, right? I want to show you how to fit the harness before we start," Yasuhara added as he turned to Mai, who flushed in mortification. So it'll be the three of us again? Naru wasn't sure how he felt as he barely remembered the heat of the night before.

It was scary how little clarity he had, though that didn't differ much from his usual heats. When the heat took hold, it often passed in a hazy of frustration and pleasure. He lost days at a time as his omega took control. The night before had been no different in that regard, but the feelings were different. Where he was usually alone and frustrated, fighting to get himself to orgasm, the night before had been a haze of blissful pleasure. He'd woken feeling sated and relaxed, at least, his body had. His mind had been quite another matter.

Upon waking and remembering how everything had started, he'd been gripped by a sense of fear and disgust, and seeing Mai and Yasuhara there, sleeping in a tangle of contented limbs, had confused him further. It didn't make sense. How had he gotten from the back alley and those three alphas to the hotel room with Yasuhara and Mai? He was relieved, of course, but also horribly confused and vulnerable. Unable to face them right away, he'd left. More than one person had stopped to ask if he was alright, though they'd backed off as they'd scented his distress.

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