An Unexpected Date

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"John, where are you right now?" He lowered the phone to look around the busy evening street. His cheeks heated as he hesitated. It wasn't that he had no idea where he was. He was in central Tokyo somewhere between the church and his favourite shopping district. He just didn't know the exact name of the street. He was also conscious of the fact that it was evening, the sort of time he'd usually be at home or meeting up with Lin for an escort. "John?" Lin didn't sound impatient at all, but he could sense his unrest.

"I-I'm on a busy main street." There was a small sign on the other end. John squinted to see better, but he couldn't quite make it out from where he was standing.

"Which main street?" John looked around for something he could use as a landmark, but he was having trouble spotting anything unique. "Send me a screenshot of your map," Lin instructed after a few frustrating moments of silence. John sheepishly did as he was told. Why didn't I think of that? He was relieved he didn't accidentally cut off the call while doing so. There was a paused as Lin looked at his phone before he instructed him to stay where he was.

"I'm really alright! You don't have to come get me!" His omega was secretly pining for Lin's presence despite his insistence. He still felt a little tired and worn from his recent fever, and the long session with Rei hadn't helped. It had dragged on for hours, at least it seemed to. Maybe it was just exhaustion, but he felt worn and vulnerable. His omega was almost desperate to curl up and nuzzle into Lin's presence. Almost as if he sensed his state of mind, Lin insisted he stay put and wait for him. "Alright, I'll wait here..." John murmured before hanging up.

He almost sighed as he stepped to the side of the path near a shop doorway and waited. There was a lot of people, and even though it was evening, it wasn't particularly late. Lin was worrying too much. He was an omega, yes, but he was bound, and his heat wasn't due for at least another week. Between his sessions, work, and the flu, John had completely forgotten to keep track that month. But I've only been home for about a week, so I can't be due yet! He'd actually spent a few extra days languishing in Lin's apartment before he'd agreed to take him home. His fever had been quite bad, and he'd felt special being fawned over so much.

Lin wasn't the only one who'd fussed over him. Once Naru returned home, he'd also been worried. John looked sicker than they'd ever seen him. He was much thinner than he'd ever been. His clothes were still hanging off his slim frame now, and his skin had been pale and clammy. He'd suffered a terrible cough for a few days, which had caused chest pains, and he'd done a lot of sleeping. He couldn't even count the amount of times he'd nodded off on the sofa beside Naru, in his window seat, in Lin's bed, and even at the kitchen bar where they ate together. Each time he did, he recalled the sensation of gentle fingers carding through his hair and soft lips against his temple.

As he waited, he slowly became aware of a dull ache at the base of his spine. He shifted from foot to foot, feet and legs feeling tired. This was the longest he'd been on his feet since returning home. He hadn't been helping at church so often since he was still a little sick, and his sessions were taking up a bit more of his time. He gasped a little as he stumbled back against the wall, fatigue catching up to him. He closed his eyes as the pavement seemed to turn and shook his head to clear the dizzy spell.

"You haven't been taking care of yourself." The tone was almost accusatory. John looked up with a flush to find that Lin had arrived. He wasn't even sure how long he'd been waiting, but it seemed like far too long. He couldn't stop his omega as his body moved closer, more or less throwing himself against his firm chest. Lin's gaze softened as he embraced him and stroked his soft hair. It could have been his imagination, but John seemed even thinner than before. He swore he could feel the bones through his hoodie. "Did you remember to eat earlier?" Lin asked worriedly, noticing the way John's hands quivered as he gripped his blazer.

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