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"Alright, alright..." Takigawa murmured and soothed as he kicked open the door of the love hotel. He was walking backwards as they entered, hands caressing Ayako's delicate elbows as she gripped his biceps in a painful grasp. She almost growled as she shoved him inside and slammed the door shut. She was pure dominance. As fiery as her deep red hair. Her brown eyes were blazing as she watched Takigawa stumble to the floor. She was always rough during a rut. This is going to hurt...Takigawa remained where he was, his omega instincts urging him into submission. He knew that was how she liked him. He softened his light hazel eyes as he supported his weight on his elbows and looked up at her.

"Sorry," Ayako breathed as she kicked off her black heels, lowering her height by three or four inches. Had Takigawa been standing, she would have reached his nose now. He didn't dare stand. She liked to be taller when she was like this. Her alpha instincts couldn't stand a larger body standing over her. It was like a direct challenge, and that was unacceptable from an omega. Takigawa smiled warily as he lounged on his elbows, grateful for the thick carpet. It was a love hotel, but it was a classy love hotel. The surface was quite soft beneath his hands. It was way better that those cheap, budget ones you could find. Luckily, Ayako had standards. The fact that she had high standards made him preen a little. That meant she had high standards for partners, too.

"If you're sorry, you'll go easy on me, right?" he prompted with a slight smoulder, biting his lower lip as Ayako stalked towards him like a tigress before lowering herself to her knees. She prowled closer until she was straddling his wider hips. Takigawa almost whimpered at the heat he could feel resting on his crotch. Her black pencil skirt quickly rucked up to her hips, revealing her black panties. Are we doing it like this today? He doubted it, at least for the first round. Ayako was an alpha in a rut. That meant she'd want to put him in his place, and that place was generally on his knees, bowed before her. He let a hissed moan slip out as Ayako gripped his shoulders, digging her red nails into his covered skin.

"No promises." She was still holding back. Takigawa was touched. After all this time, she still thinks she'll hurt me...Maybe that caution was warranted with some of the more delicate omegas around, but Takigawa was different. He'd been gifted with a physique worthy of an alpha, which meant he could take quite a pounding before he'd really feel it. His lips quirked wolfishly as he pushed up to meet her, noting her dark eyes narrow at the small challenge.

"Go ahead...Make me bleed," he purred in her ear before nipping the lobe softly. He felt her shudder against him before slamming him back against the floor. He didn't have time to brace himself. His head bounced painfully as she plundered his willing lips. God, I wish I was in heat...He couldn't give her the same urgency she was pressing upon him. During his heats, he was a relentless needy mess, but right now he could barely keep up. He chanced reciprocating. His tongue flicked out to taste her deep red lips. She growled. Not today, got it. Message understood, loud and clear. He retreated, opening his mouth in submission to accept her urgently searching tongue. A hand laced in his hair, tugging his head back for more access. It was almost painful, but it was a good sort of pain.

Takigawa moaned, his head tilting back obediently as Ayako ground against him. He felt a thrill of excitement as her hardened member pressed against his pelvis. She was fully erect, the solid flesh rivalling his own in length and girth. John's scent was this bad? He reached up to grasp her delicate hips. She ground down roughly, scowling at his firm grasp. It wasn't an omega's place to manhandle her in such a manner. She relaxed a little as she took in the hazy, almost vulnerable expression on his face. His jeans were tight and uncomfortable as she rocked against him. He shivered as she nibbled along his collarbone. In that moment, she was everything.

"You want me on the bed?" he asked breathlessly, not that he'd mind if she took him right there. His length twitched at the thought, and as usual, she sensed it. He felt a lurch in his chest as she gripped the chest of his sweater and yanked him roughly into a sitting position. He shivered as the cool of the room hit his bare torso when she tugged it off. Her lips began a relentless assault, kissing and nipping along his delicate collarbone and dropping to his sensitive pecs. "Aya..." Takigawa moaned, moving one hand to the small of her back to rub gentle circles where she was most sensitive. She arched and purred. She loved and hated the way he made her body sing. Whether he was giving or receiving, he was always an attentive partner.

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