Synthetic Heart

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"You're going where?" Naru asked in surprise, looking up from his papers to stare at the honey haired girl that he hesitated to call his girlfriend. He hesitated to even say that they were dating. They rarely went anywhere besides home, and even that wasn't very often. He didn't really know what Mai did in her free time, but he certainly hadn't expected this.

"The Catacombs. It's a new club that opened a few months ago. My old friends from middle school wanted to check it out, and they asked me to tag along." Mai tilted her head in question as Naru's blue eyes widened. Is it that unusual? I'm eighteen now. That's more than old enough to go out...She watched as Naru turned over the information silently. He seemed more than a little uneasy.

"And by club you mean..."

"A nightclub...You know, dancing, drinking, music..." She knew that Naru understood the concept of a nightclub. Though I doubt he's ever actually been to one...He's only been legal for a year, and it doesn't strike me as something he'd be interested in...She couldn't even imagine Naru in that kind of atmosphere. It would probably be too crowded for his liking, not to mention noisy. His omega senses would probably be overloaded by the intense atmosphere. "I don't go out very often, and we haven't met up for a few months."

"How do you expect to catch up in a place like that?" Naru grumbled, clearly not enamoured with the idea. Mai snickered softly as she watched him scowl with distaste. She wasn't sure if he was worried or just feeling a little insecure. "Are you sure it's even safe? Those places are always full of perverts," he added, folding his arms thoughtfully as he leaned on his desk. Mai rested her hands on her hips, giving him a firm look.

"Stop exaggerating, it's fun...If you're that worried, you could always...come with me. I mean, my friends have wanted to meet you for a while now, so..." She couldn't imagine Naru agreeing. This really wasn't his sort of thing. He'd probably just tell her to be careful, and call to let him know she made it home. Naru sighed thoughtfully. Usually, he wouldn't dream of taking her up on the offer, but their relationship seemed to have changed him somehow. His heat was very close. He estimated that it would arrive sometime over the next few days. With that in mind, he shouldn't be going anywhere. He should be locking himself away in his office, ready to ride out the next week. On the other hand, his bond with Mai was tugging him. Mai wanted him to go with her. He was worried about her going out with people he didn't know. Would they take care of her? Would they keep her safe and get her home? He also wanted to be close to her.

"Alright, I'll go." He was quietly regretting his decision already. That feeling subsided somewhat as Mai's face lit up, hazel eyes wide in surprised delight. She almost skipped out of his office, leaving him partly terrified and partly annoyed that he'd somehow been tricked into this. He barely managed to focus on his work for the rest of the afternoon.

He left Mai at the office, both going home to get ready for the evening. Mai had tentatively suggested they eat somewhere on the way, so Naru went home for a fresh change of clothes. He didn't want to be too dressed up, so he settled on a comfortable black silk shirt, which he buttoned to the throat with his usual black blazer and trousers. His phone was already in his hand to call Mai and see where she wanted to meet as he left the house. She opted for a small Italian place, somewhere within walking distance of the club. They both got taxis, but Naru was the first to arrive.

"Sorry it took me so long," Mai greeted as she hurried to meet him, though Naru found it hard to say anything in response as he looked at her. She was planning to go out alone looking like this? He was incredulous. Her honey hair was more fluffed than usual, and there was a red lace choker around her throat that matched the lace sleeved, off the shoulder dress she was wearing. A dress that barely covered her curved rump. She had dark makeup and black stockings with high heels. It pleased him somewhat to see his mark on her bare shoulder, dark red and clear for all to see.

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