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John had called the studio the day before to make an appointment. They'd been more than happy to meet him. Apparently, models were getting harder to come by. Especially omega models. He was still hesitant as he waited outside the small, unassuming black door. It was hidden down a side street, which was raising a few alarm bells. It's not unusual for businesses to have small entrances like this...SPR is just a small door up a few stairs...With that in mind, he finally grasped the handle and stepped inside.

There was a worn sign pointing the way up what seemed to be a barely used set of stairs. They were old cement steps, covered in grime and dust from lack of use. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he headed up. The door to the main office was loud as it creaked open. Inside were two middle-aged men. One of them was a beta, and the other was an alpha. They both snapped their heads round when they heard and smelled him enter. It wasn't his heat, but the sweet scent of an omega was hard to miss. The alpha's gaze sharpened slightly when he caught Lin's spice mingled with the sweetness.

"You're mated already...A pity," he murmured in regret as he turned fully to face him. John was timid as he stepped further inside. It was an unassuming room so far. There was a wardrobe, a changing area, and a curtained off section. There was a desk by the shuttered window, and camera lights and equipment scattered all over the place. The thing that sent prickles running down his spine was the slightly musty scent that hung in the air. It's...familiar...Whatever it was, it made his omega raise its hackles in displeasure. "Don't be shy. Let me get a look at you," the alpha said invitingly, interrupting John's train of thought. He must have been very handsome in his younger years. Not that he wasn't handsome now, but the grey hair and beard showed his age. He was still strong and toned beneath his worn grey suit. His beta assistant wasn't wearing so well. The hair on his crown had thinned, and he'd put on some weight over the years. He looked friendly though, as he eyed him over the top of his rounded glasses.

"I like his eyes," the beta piped up as he toyed with one of the cameras, catching John off guard as he snapped a shot and looked at the screen. "His hair, too. I must admit, I thought you were Japanese when we spoke on the phone yesterday. You have quite the southern accent!" he added jovially as he continued to play with the camera. John hovered awkwardly, a little nervous as he walked a circle around him. He felt like an animal at a farmer's market as the alpha's eyes examined every inch of his clothed body.

"Is it a problem?" John asked awkwardly as he followed the beta with wary eyes. Part of him hoped that it was. Something didn't feel right, despite his apparent kindness. The beta shook his head, snapping yet another picture. John's omega was skittish. Its instincts had been set off by the unknown alpha and the dimly lit, enclosed space. There's still that scent...What is it? He still couldn't place it, and that was a big part of what irked his omega.

"No-no, not at all! Our clients love foreigners!" the beta replied brightly as he looked at the shots he had so far. The word clients began to make John wonder what he'd walked into. His omega was on the cusp or a fight-or-flight response. The alpha seemed satisfied as he stepped in front of him. Somehow, the approval in his calculating gaze didn't make John's omega feel any better. If anything, it felt worse. Why is it so unsettled? What is it trying to tell me?

"Well, shall we get started? First, take off your shirt." John's cheeks flushed as a wave of obedience washed over him. He's...ordering me...John panicked as his hands automatically rose to the zipper of his light hoodie. His body didn't even think of disobeying. He was already tugging it off by the time he managed to make himself stop. "Take it off. I need to see how bad your bonding mark looks," the alpha added in explanation, making the request seem slightly more reasonable. John felt awkward, but did as he was told, wrapping his arms around himself timidly. He felt horrible. He'd never been topless like this around anyone besides Lin and a few doctors. He was usually quick when changing clothes around other people.

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