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John gasped as his eyes snapped opened, a cry of terror tearing free as he gripped the chest of his shirt. His heart pounded as tears spilled down his cheeks. Phantom pain lingered in his chest and throat, which was soon aching with the strength of his sobs. He could barely move as he lay on the concrete, quietly relieved no one was around to see him like this. He covered his eyes with his arm, tears flooding down his cheeks. What the fuck was that? It was the worst thing he'd ever experienced. He couldn't call it a nightmare, not when it had felt like that. He was still cold from the icy water, even lying beneath the hot summer sun.

He opened his sore eyes again as a gentle weight rested on his chest, coming nose to nose with the black cat, which swished its tail in distress. Small paws began kneading his chest, and it was all he could do not to crush the small creature in a bruising hug. He kept his arms firmly by his sides, not trusting himself to move. He gasped and sobbed, remembering the fear and pain. It seemed so real. It had been real! He'd been there! He could feel the cold rain beating on his skin. The bruises on his knees. Scrapes on his hands. The crack of bone. Icy water caressing his body. Rushing down his throat. Filling his lungs. He shuddered. Koujo!

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He gripped it with shaking fingers, barely able to press the icon to answer. It was Lin! It was his alpha! He couldn't form words. All he could do was whimper and cry. He felt so pathetic. Lin was terrified. Their bond was going crazy. He'd felt an echo of his fear and pain, and the increasing distress. Lin couldn't get a straight answer from him as he trembled and sobbed. John cut the call, desperately thumbing the map on his phone. Koujo-Koujo-Koujo! He wasn't sure how, but his shaking hand managed to send the map before the phone slipped from his fingers.

He shivered and cried as he lay on the hot pavement with the cat on his chest. It guarded his vulnerable body, paws kneading his chest and stomach. It nosed his damp cheek, rough tongue flicking out to clean him. John was glad not to be alone. He wasn't sure how long it had been. Someone had walked by earlier, carefully skirting around him with a wary look, perhaps thinking he was on some sort of bad trip. It was rare in Japan, but not unheard of, and he was a foreigner. That alone probably scared them off.

"John! John!" Lin's voice was a distant yell at first, but he was getting closer. John's heart pounded as he let out a strangled whimper. It was somehow enough for Lin's heightened senses, and within seconds the small weight had left his chest and John felt his body being eased up against his alpha's firm torso. Lin hushed and soothed as he rocked him back and forth. He hurriedly checked him for injuries, but could already sense he wasn't in any physical pain right now. Despite that, his heart was still pounding in terror. "John, I'm here..." Lin murmured as he pressed his face into the crook of his shoulder, allowing his spiced scent to wash over his pale, shivering mate.

"" John sobbed, shaking in Lin's arms as his fingers scrabbled to grip his shirt, which was already damp with sweat where he'd been running. Lin did his best to soothe his frazzled nerves. He hushed, murmured, stroked, squeezed, cuddled and kissed his omega into submission. He wasn't sure how long it took, but he finally quieted in his embrace. "Cold...W-water...The water..." His heart was still racing as he choked the words out.

"John...You're not in the water. Look around...Look at me...Look-at-me...Look. At. Me." Lin felt a little guilty as he used his alpha pheromones to make John's delirious mind pay attention. At his firm order, John's blue eyes finally seemed to regain focus, obediently staring up into his dark eyes and letting Lin soothe him. "That's it...That's right..." he whispered gently as he dried John's cheeks, brown eyes softening as the sleek black cat returned to curl up on John's quivering thighs. "You took care of him for me, didn't you?" he murmured gently as he reached out his hand. The cat hesitantly nuzzled his fingers, able to smell John's scent on him. "Thank you." The cat began to purr comfortingly as it settled down in a small loaf.

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