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John groaned as he opened his eyes. A dull throb pulsed in his pelvis. Right on schedule...He stumbled to his feet and into the bathroom. It was still a while off, but the edge of his heat was tickling his senses. His body felt more drained than usual, making him skip breakfast as nausea ate at his sensitive insides. It was early afternoon by the time he'd worked himself up enough to leave the comfort of his apartment. This had him arriving at SPR with three hours before Mai would finish school. He sighed as he dropped his strangely heavy suitcase on the floor by one of the sofas. He didn't think he'd packed that much, and yet he'd had trouble pulling it up the steps. He was even having trouble walking at this point. He felt drained.

"You skipped breakfast," Lin observed as he stepped out of his office, a frown tugging his brow as he regarded John's sagging form. John nodded his agreement as he sat on the couch with his back to Lin, closing his eyes and leaning back tiredly. He never used to feel this fatigued so early in the day, but then his body had suffered some dramatic changes. The changes stressed him so much he wanted to cry at the injustice of it. "Rest here," Lin sighed as he ran his fingers through his fluffed, golden hair and headed out. John was too tired to voice his objection. He settled for falling sideways on the firm sofa. His scent still lingered on the cushions. He'd become a fairly regular visitor in the office.

His eyes snapped open hungrily as something was held above his snoozing face. Lin held the paper bag higher as he reached for it, holding it aloft until he was sitting up properly. John almost snatched the bag he was suddenly so ravenous. Lin raised an eyebrow, catching the omega fully asserting control for the first time outside of his heat. John's blue eyes sharpened as he tore the white paper with sharp teeth, taking his first bite with a whimper. It was one of his favourites. A toasted bacon and cheese sandwich. It was from the small café down the street where Lin had taken him for lunch more than once at this point.

"I'm almost glad you skipped breakfast so I could see you like this," Lin murmured in amusement as he laid a gentle hand on John's head. His omega literally purred at the gentle attention, leaning in and butting for more. Lin allowed a small smile to cross lips, letting his fingers stroke back and scratch behind his sensitive ears. John let out an almost sinful moan and Lin drew back in surprise. John snapped back to himself and crumbled in embarrassment as he realised what he'd been doing.

"Don't look at me!" he urged as he buried his face in one arm, still gripping the sandwich. He groaned as Lin's hand laced in his hair comfortingly. His spiced scent reached out to caress and soothe away the shame.

"Don't...I like seeing you like this." That only seemed to make him want to curl up even more. His omega, on the other hand, was delighted. Lin allowed himself to purr loud enough for John to hear as he leaned down and nuzzled his blonde head. John flushed, blue eyes wide as Lin allowed him a glimpse of his inner feelings. He was usually so stoic, but the gentle caresses and soothing sounds were so soft and warm. Well...if he can do it, then I suppose...John's cheeks flushed as he allowed his omega to reciprocate. Giving up control was hard, but he soon felt his own throat purring as he leaned a little further into Lin's space. "Finish your breakfast," Lin murmured finally, pressing a kiss to John's shoulder as he drew back and knocked on Naru's door. Naru opened it only long enough to snatch the sandwich, and then the lock clicked. John could smell it already. His lemon tart scent was stronger than usual. His heat was so close it could start at any moment.

"Will he really be alright here alone for a week?" John was worried about him being left alone and vulnerable with so many alphas in the city. Lin seemed unconcerned as he stepped away from the door.

"His office is a heat room, and I've already asked Mai to come in every day to make sure everything goes to plan. As long as the main door is locked and Naru remains in his office, he'll be fine. Naru is very experienced in dealing with his heats now," Lin assured as he returned to run his hand through John's blonde locks, pleased that he no longer resisted the will of his omega. He closed his blue eyes and leaned fully into Lin's large hand. His expression was peaceful as Lin teased his scalp with light touches. There was a certain amount of longing in his eyes as he finally looked up. "I'll be in my office." Lin drew back, not wanting to push his luck.

"I'll rest here and wait for Mai," John replied as he returned to nibble his sandwich. His omega side was sated enough to retreat for now. Lin nodded and returned to work while John finished his breakfast and sprawled on the long sofa. It wasn't like Lin's apartment, but there was something comforting and homely about the office that made him purr and writhe on the firm cushions, smothering them with his scent. The office carried his favourite scents. Those of his friends. The closest thing to family he had in Japan. Lin, Naru, and Mai left the strongest scents since they were present every day. He felt safe with those scents. His alpha, the kind beta, and the strangely dominant omega.

"Oh, you're awake," Mai greeted a while later as John opened his hazy eyes. He was vaguely aware of the clacking of computer keys. It was a little rare for Mai to use the computer. Usually she wrote by hand. John smiled warmly as he pushed himself up, blushing as Mai hurried to his side and helped him. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked worriedly, taking in his pale complexion. He looked sick, and his skin was warmer than usual.

"I'm fine! I guess I'm just feeling my heat a little." Mai nodding her sympathetic agreement. She remembered some of her omega classmates when their heats had first started. It had taken months for them to adjust to the changes and get used to suffering them every month. She hurried off to make some tea. She only made three cups since Naru was now fully locked down in his office. John cradled the warm ceramic, resting his lips on the edge and enjoying the steam on his sensitive nose. Mai didn't make tea quite as well as Lin, but it was still good and soothing. He was almost surprised as Lin came out and sat beside him on the sofa with his own cup.

"Are you sure you'll manage taking care of the office? I can call Takigawa if you'd prefer." Lin wasn't sure what had gone on between Mai and Naru, but he knew they hadn't patched things up and he didn't want her to be uncomfortable. Mai's cheeks flushed slightly as she shook her head and insisted it would be fine. She wouldn't even be seeing him directly. He was locked in his office for the week. Lin nodded at her reasoning. The heat room meant that she wouldn't even smell him while she checked on the office and did whatever work she needed to do. "Very well." Lin quietly texted Takigawa anyway. The company would be nice for her.

"You've been sleeping since I got here. Did you have any lunch? Maybe you and Lin should go out and eat. I can take care of things here," Mai assured as they finished their tea. She was really beginning to think John was far too thin. He certainly didn't look ready to take on another heat. His physical fatigue was telling, too. Lin seemed to think it was a good idea. He didn't even give John the option of turning it down. He needed to eat something, preferably something good and filling. John listened to his omega side, which demanded something thick, meaty, and bloody to sink its teeth into. His mouth watered as his pupils dilated.

"Steak." That was enough for Lin. He walked John down the street to a small steak house and ordered it rare. He was almost worried as John's omega took control for the second time that day. It wasn't like him to give in so easily, and the omega was wolfing down the pink meat like there was no tomorrow. He looked so distressed when it was gone that Lin automatically ordered another one. He was ravenous. It wasn't until he was halfway through his third twelve ounce steak that he finally came back to himself.

"John, are you feeling alright?" John looked around the small restaurant in a slight daze. He remembered talking to Mai in the office, and he vaguely remembered the mention of food. After that, he'd lost track of things. He'd clearly walked here with Lin, and judging by the food in front of him, he assumed he'd started eating. He still felt so hungry, but so tired. He closed his eyes for a moment, wincing at the sting behind his lids.

"I think so...Have I been acting strangely?" he asked warily, quietly concerned about the missing time.

"Your omega instincts surfaced. You must have been starving." Lin was quietly worried about how he would cope during his heat. If his body was resorting to a more primal state to prepare itself, that wasn't a good sign. He tried to seem casual as he leaned his chin on one hand and gazed across the table. "Perhaps it would be wise to start things a day early...I don't like the idea of your omega surfacing while you're alone and taking you somewhere..." Lin tried not to smile as John's omega side bounced in approval.

"I don't know...I don't want to trouble you." John paused as a finger pressed firmly against his lips. It felt so gentle. Lin was giving him one of his stern looks.

"I'll be more troubled thinking of you being out of my sight." The gentle words forced John to agree. He slowly finished his steak, finding it difficult as the hunger eased. Lin waited patiently, insisting he finish every bite. Afterwards, they returned to the office, where John was pretty much ordered to rest and preserve his strength. He'd need it in the coming week.

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