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John sighed in the heat. It seemed to be hotter around Kyoto than it was in Tokyo. Summer had well and truly arrived. The sun scorched his skin, which wasn't so bad. He was used to intense sunlight. It was the humidity that bothered him. Summer in Australia brought a dry heat, but here it was sweltering. Even the slight breeze felt clammy on his pale skin. He'd opted for a white top, keeping long sleeves despite the heat. He still felt more comfortable when he was covered. His jeans were a little worn, with tears in the knees and thighs, but they were comfortable, and that was what he needed when walking long distances. He was wearing some worn hiking boots, which he'd had for a few years now. Lin had chosen similar clothing, though his trousers were neat black cargo pants rather than denim.

"Are you alright?" Lin checked for the hundredth time. John gave him a small smile in response, unsure how to reassure his mate. Lin had asked almost constantly since they'd reached the halfway point in their climb. They were walking up a steeply sloping path, a path that was clearly disused these days. The road itself was still in good condition, but the paths were cracked the crumbling, with plants starting to overgrow them. John staggered as his foot caught on a raised stone. He barely had time to catch himself before Lin's arms were securely laced around his waist.

"I'm alright, thank you," John replied, content to rest a moment in Lin's embrace. Lin gave him a warm look as he released him, watching him use his sleeve to wipe his brow. The good thing about walking up the hill was that the air was getting just a little cooler. Nice as this walk is, I'm not sure this is the right place...I can't see any water nearby, so if it's here, it must be on the other side. He sighed in frustration, looking up to see the slope disappear ahead. It seemed a long way.

"It isn't as far as it seems," Lin assured as he walked a little ahead. Considering he spent most of his time sitting in the office, John was surprised by Lin's stamina. He'd set a fairly brisk pace and had barely broken a sweat. They were over halfway, and John was tiring, but Lin looked like he was ready to continue going for a few more hours. Maybe it's because he's an alpha...Physical endurance is necessary for them. John couldn't help feeling a touch of envy at that. If anything, he felt like he was holding him back. "Shall I carry you for a while?" Lin asked sincerely as he looked over his shoulder to see John doubled over watching him.

"I'm not a child!" John's cheeks flushed in embarrassment at the idea. Do I really look that pathetic? He grimaced inwardly, knowing he must be quite a sight. His pale skin was flushed and damp with sweat, blonde hair tousled by the breeze, and his clothes were probably a mess by now from all the sweat and various trips along the way. His heart thudded as Lin rested a comforting hand on his head and stroked his soft hair.

"No, but you are an omega and I know this is difficult for you." His softness made John grateful they'd walked ahead of the others. Ayako was still a little tired from the day before, and Mai had never been one for walking long distances. They weren't even in sight as John looked over his shoulder. "You've been pushing yourself today." Lin let his hand slide down to the back of John's damp neck to squeeze his submission point. John was about to object before Lin leaned down and pressed a kiss against his slightly dry lips and thrust a water bottle into his hands moments later.

"Thank you," John murmured as he took a few gulps and handed it back. Lin slowed his pace a little, lacing his fingers with John's and remaining at his side. It was nice. Under different circumstances, John would likely enjoy walking with Lin in a setting like this. He worried his lip. Are we close? Is this the right place? What's on the other side of this hill? He couldn't help feeling anxious, wondering whether Gene was watching, and whether he would give him a sign of some sort.

At the top of the hill was a viewing platform with an old disused bench. It was a little dirty, but still sturdy. At Lin's suggestion, they sat down to wait for the others. John nibbled a sandwich Lin had brought and shared a small flask of tea with him. It was so peaceful up on the hill. It was one of those rare areas of Japan that hadn't been built on because of the steep hillsides. John closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the sun warming his face through the trees above. He opened his eyes in surprise as his lips were sealed. His cheeks flushed as Lin drew back with lidded eyes and closed his own in contentment as Lin nuzzled his forehead.

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