Checking In

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"Looks like this is it," Takigawa said as he pulled into the hotel's carpark. The hotel itself was nothing special. They always went for low or modest budget places, though never anything seedy looking. It was a three-star hotel, sitting in its own space away from the city centre, but still central enough to be a good base for their search. The building reminded Takigawa a little of his old elementary school. It was a big, blocky building around five storeys high, with glass doors and rows upon rows of curtained windows. He'd already spotted a large black van parked further up and assumed it was Lin as he pulled into a nearby space. Ayako murmured her tired agreement, the dark rings under her eyes telling him she hadn't slept yet. He'd picked her up from a shift at the hospital, and they'd been on the road for a good few hours. He couldn't believe she hadn't slept yet; she'd come out of a sixteen-hour surgery! He'd expected her to fall asleep in the car on the way over, but she didn't sleep well on the road. "I'm pretty tired...I think we should take a nap once we get in, don't you think? That was a long drive!" Takigawa added cheerfully as he stopped the car.

"Won't Naru and Lin want to get started right away?" Ayako asked tiredly as he checked he had everything from the driver's side. Usually, Takigawa knew that would be the case, but he also knew Lin wasn't blind. One look at Ayako and he would agree. Besides, it was already late afternoon. Before going anywhere, they'd have to look at a map of the surrounding area and decide where to start. There would probably be sizeable chunks they could cut out for being too built up or not having water close by, but they'd still need to look into the rest before making a choice. That would probably take a while, so by the time they were ready, it would be heading towards early evening. They couldn't go searching in the dark. It would be too dangerous, so they'd most likely start looking the next day instead.

"I wouldn't imagine so, at least not today." Leaving the car, he grabbed the case from the boot and set it on its wheels. They'd shared a single case since they would share a room. It made sense. Takigawa sent Lin a quick message as they walked up the steps, letting him know Ayako's physical state and checking when and where they would be meeting. At the front desk, he took the lead, cheerfully collecting their keys while Ayako did her best to stay on her feet. She all but collapsed into the glass wall once they were inside the lift. "Almost there," Takigawa murmured softly as he tucked his arm around her slim waist. She hummed softly, accepting the silent invitation to lean against his shoulder. Her cinnamon scent was soft as it coiled around him in thanks, and her body was warm as he pulled her closer.

Lin was waiting outside their room, where he greeted them and updated them on the plan. They were to rest up that night and be ready by seven the next morning for breakfast, where they would discuss their options moving forward. That night, Lin was planning to work with Naru and John to narrow down the best starting point. Takigawa agreed before they said goodnight and entered their rooms. As soon as the door closed behind him, Takigawa caught Ayako from behind and wrapped his arms around her slim waist. He purred into her shoulder as he breathed in her cinnamon scent, nuzzling the back of her neck.

"Shall I run you a bath? Order some room service?" he asked softly, content as Ayako leaned into his embrace. Even in her heels, she was still a little shorter, and she was so slender he felt she was half his size. He could tuck her against his chest and hold her in his arms, or pick her up and carry her with one arm. Her size was a little deceptive. Slight by no means meant weak. He knew for a fact that she could lift and carry him if she so chose with her superior strength. For a female alpha, she was average in size.

"I just want to sleep," Ayako confessed tiredly as she slipped out of her high heels, too tired to feel insecure about her shorter height. Sensing her unusually submissive state, Takigawa swept her up bridal style, giving her a wolfish grin as he carried her over to the bed. She huffed her tired amusement as he lowered her to the mattress like a delicate princess and accepted the gentle kisses he pressed against her lips before drawing back to help her out of her clothes. It was rare for her to accept such treatment, so he was going to make the most of it.

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