Visiting Hours

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John opened his eyes to be greeted by semi-darkness. All he could smell was fresh sheets, his own sweat, and the calming scent of the omega woman from before. Her fingers were lazily carding through his damp blonde locks as he slept, just like his mother used to. He nestled further into her touch. He wasn't ready to fully wake up to face the shame just yet. There was something safe and enclosed about this room. It was small, but not too small. It was clean, almost sterile. It had a nice, dim, hazy atmosphere. It was designed for calmness and peace.

He gradually became aware of a slight ache in the back of his hand. He flexed his fingers and winced. As he opened his tired eyes, he looked down to find a needle embedded in a vein there. He followed the tube up to a bag of saline and some other drugs. A hospital? He took in a breath and was surprised that no other scents invaded his senses. It was like he was in a small box. Just the two of them. A heat room...He was still a little hot, but aside from that, he felt much better. The crippling need and lust were gone. The sickly sweet slick had dried up. The ache in his pelvis had subsided. His senses had calmed somewhat, leaving him feeling relaxed. He looked down, embarrassed to find that he'd been stripped and changed in his sleep. He was wearing simple white hospital pyjamas, his body covered by a thin cotton sheet.

"How are you feeling?" the woman asked in a gentle tone. John felt vulnerable as he buried his face in the crisp sheets, bringing them up to his nose like a guilty child. They were a little scratchy, but still fresh.

"Better," he replied in a meek voice, almost purring as she pressed a little harder on his scalp. "Sorry for the trouble," he added sheepishly, as heat rush to his cheeks. He was sure the couple had been on their way home, likely looking forward to a quiet evening in. Instead, they'd been dragged into his problems and had taken responsibility for him. The woman seemed indifferent to his apology.

"It's no trouble at all, and I'm glad you're alright. I was worried when you passed out." John's eyes widened a little at the news. He remembered not feeling well and lying down on the back seat. It wouldn't have surprised him to hear he'd fallen asleep, but passed out? I must have been more dehydrated than I thought...That likely wasn't surprising with the heat. The rise in his body temperature meant he'd been sweating more than usual. "You're looking better. Your friend will be pleased...He should be here soon," she added as she looked at her watch.

"Friend?" John's chest tightened anxiously as he wondered who she'd been in contact with. She sensed his distressed and ran her hand further down to gently soothe the back of his neck. A small purr escaped him at her calming touches. She was so soothing. She seemed to know each place to pet and caress in order to calm him. It seemed she definitely had experience. If she wasn't some sort of social worker, she was probably a mother.

"Takigawa. He was very worried about you, you know." John's cheeks coloured at her response. She also sensed a wave of relief wash over him. She remained a while longer until a nurse politely entered to give John some medication and check him over. John thanked the woman, who left with a smile and the assurance that she would leave her details so that he could thank her properly after his heat. The omega nurse was gentle as she turned over his hand and checked the needle. She checked his fluid levels and his charts before trying a little small talk.

"So, you're newly mated?" she pressed gently as she wrote on his papers. John stiffened at her question. Anxious energy flooded his senses. He stammered a little, looking down at the crumpled white sheets as he sat up and fiddled with his hands. It was true that he'd been mated. Unfortunately, it wasn't the happy occasion she was likely expecting. His heat had sped up already at the thought of Lin's inevitable arrival. His scent was thick with anxiety.

"I-I suppose so." It was obvious from the barely healing wound on his shoulder. Lin's bites from the previous month were still fresh and scabbed over. Smaller nail tracks prevented them from healing. He could feel the nurse examining him in every way. She was examining his timid, quivering form. She noticed the way he flinched when the topic turned towards his mate and the way he couldn't get his words out properly. She could also smell his nervousness. The edge of bitterness and distress.

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