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"John, are you ready to go?" Lin asked quietly as he shook his shoulder, trying not to smile at the sleepy sound of objection that escaped his lips. John twitched in his sleep, brow pinching as he was roused. His blue eyes flickered open, tired and hazy as he barely raised his head from the black sofa. He was almost confused as he looked around. Lin's jacket fell from his shoulders as he pushed himself up and looked at his alpha. "Dinner time," Lin said warmly as he reached down to ruffle his hair.

"Mm...hmm..." John hummed sleepily as he rubbed his eyes, slowly untangling himself from the blazer to stumble to the bathroom. When he was done, he splashed his face with cold water to wake up a little. He took a deep breath as he dried his face, feeling much fresher as he returned to the office, where he found Lin waiting. Leaning in the doorway, He paused and did a double take, cheeks flushing as he took in the unusual sight. Lin wasn't wearing office clothes. "That top..."

"You bought it for me." The white material hung perfectly on his toned body, long sleeves hugging his arms right down to the wrists. He was wearing his suit pants, but the white top made him look much more casual. He'd hung his blazer on the coat stand, clearly intending to leave it behind. "I thought you'd like it better if I dressed down a little," he added as he checked his pockets for his wallet and keys.

"You don't have to do that!" John's cheeks turned pink at the thought of putting him out.

"I wanted to...Besides, it's not like I wear suits all the time." John bit back a cry of disbelief. Besides bedtime and the few days they didn't leave the apartment, John had never seen him out of a suit. Even on the rare days he didn't work, he always wore a shirt and trousers outside the apartment. Maybe it's something he hasn't noticed...Lin seemed unconcerned either way. "You seemed uncomfortable last time we went on a date." John blushed at the term date.

"I-I just think we look a little like teacher and student when you're dressed up and I'm not," he excused, watching Lin's lips quirk in amusement. "Don't get any ideas!" he stammered as he felt Lin's arousal through their bond. He could well imagine him standing at the front of a classroom, ruler in hand as he explained something or other on the board. He could also imagine his patience and silken voice as he leaned down over his shoulder to explain something in more detail. He could almost feel the warm breath on his skin, making him shiver, and then after class he could imagine him closing the door, bending him over his desk and-

"Now who's getting ideas?" Lin teased as he felt John's arousal flare through their bond. He at least had the decency to be embarrassed. "It's a shame university students don't wear uniforms. I'm sure you looked good in one." John frowned and puffed his cheeks at the jibe, following Lin down the steps and waiting as he locked the door. Mai and Naru had left earlier, neither commenting on Lin's activities in the office, though they hadn't been able to hide the pink of their cheeks as they'd said their good nights.

It wasn't late yet. It was only just dinner time, so they had time to stroll to the subway and travel deeper into Tokyo. They walked the busy streets awhile, window shopping and looking at different restaurants they could visit. As had become usual, they settled on Western food. The restaurant had a cosy table for two by the window, where they sat staring across at each other quietly. John examined his alpha as he perused the menu.

There was a slight dip in his brow as he scanned the list, dark eyes sharp as he read with silent murmurs. His ebony locks were, as ever, hiding one of his eyes and tickling his pale cheek. He looked paler than usual, perhaps due to the bright white material of his top. It hung loose at the throat, with a neckline wide enough that John could just see the scarred, reddened edge of his bonding mark. The sight made his skin heat. He knew the throat of his own top was tighter, hiding his mark from view. Having it partially on display didn't seem to bother Lin. In fact, he was actually leaning with his head tilted, subconsciously showing off the mark as much as possible. John's stomach swirled at the thought that perhaps he was doing it on purpose.

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