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Lin opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. He could feel a warm body pressed up beside him, and for a few moments he thought it was Gene. His heart ached as he breathed in John's sweet scent. That's right...he's...Lin felt conflicted as he turned on his side to regard John's sleeping form. His feelings were a mess, still half asleep and filled with Gene's presence. His heart was full of warmth and adoration for the gentle omega at his side, but there was a patch of empty black where Gene used to be, and right now that space was filled with pain and yearning. His throat ached a little with the strain of holding back the lingering grief that never left.

"Koujo..." John was sleepy as he shuffled closer. Intense feelings had roused him. Sharp chilli teased his senses, pulling him from a restful slumber. Lin felt guilty, instantly trying to push down his own feelings so that he could focus on the here and now. Gene's gone, and he's been gone a long time...It was a somewhat bitter thought. John's blue eyes fluttered open in the semi-darkness, slightly unfocused as he turned his head to look up at Lin. "Is something wrong?" He could sense a confused bundle of emotions from his mate, but he couldn't sort through them in his feverish state.

"No...You shouldn't think about such things. You're not well," Lin replied softly as he pushed himself up and touched John's heated forehead, smiling softly as he hummed and leaned into the cool touch. It was true. He felt terrible. He wasn't shivering as much now, but his sinuses ached, his eyes were tired, and he felt very drained. He was probably going to be stuck in bed for another two to three days. He didn't relish the thought. I've already been so much of a burden to Koujo already..."Don't think such things," Lin chided, easily picking up on John's sour mood.

"I can't help it. I feel like such a pest." John winced as Lin teasingly prodded his nose.

"Not even a little...I like taking care of you," Lin confessed as he got up. He left him to rest while he prepared some tea and toast in the kitchen. It was time for John to eat something. If he wanted to prepare him for his next heat and overcome his current fever, he needed to keep to a stricter mealtime schedule. John was even more reluctant to eat than he had been during his heat. The fever had sapped him of his appetite completely. "You don't want to end up in the hospital during your next heat." John's cheeks flushed at the gentle reminder. He forced the toast down, chewing painfully slowly and swallowing with difficulty. It felt thick and dry and clung to his throat when he swallowed.

The next few days continued in a similar fashion. Lin dutifully watched over his omega. He bathed his forehead, fed him, helped him drink, and took him for showers. After three days, he also coaxed him into taking a walk through the park. John was still physically weak, and didn't manage to walk very far, but he did feel a little better after the fresh air. They also managed to leave the bedroom. John huddled in his window seat wrapped in blankets, watching the world outside while nursing a hot drink and occasionally picking up his book.

During John's illness, Naru had also returned, but so far he'd avoided them. He'd barely called up to let them know he'd returned before disappearing into his room, and as far as Lin could tell, he hadn't come out. He was thinking of venturing down to check on his young charge, but his overprotective alpha didn't want to leave John's side. As John improved, Lin finally checked in with the Naru. He kissed John's temple and made sure he had everything he needed before heading downstairs.

"Naru?" he called, tapping on his door. He could sense Naru's reluctance to open the door. His scent was more bitter than usual. "Noll." The old name finally brought him to the dimly lit doorway. It was early afternoon, but he'd kept his curtains tightly pulled. The room was dim, and the scent of distress and stale bedding hung heavy in the air. Lin was worried to see him looking so pale and drawn, though it wasn't unusual for an omega to suffer during its heat. It was even more difficult for Naru because he had to take care of his own needs.

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