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"John!" A sharp pain assaulted his senses, blue eyes snapping wide as a choked gasp ripped his throat. He couldn't focus, he couldn't breathe. "John!" Lin's voice was a little quieter this time as another hard slap knocked his head sideways. His body stiffened in shock, breaths quivering as he finally gripped the crisp white material of Lin's shirt. Tears spilled over his cheeks, a sigh of relief whispering against his head as Lin pulled him into a tight embrace. Koujo's scent...John breathed and burrowed his face into the large shoulder. Safe...

His hazy blue eyes finally looked up to find Mai quivering and pale, with her hands over her mouth while Naru stood close to her side, a tentative hand on her lower back. He was almost awkward as his arm rested against her looking a little pale and shaken himself. John flinched as a hand laced in his hair, relaxing as he remembered he was in Lin's arms. His body trembled as shock seeped in, ice creeping down his spine. Naru eased Mai down onto the opposite sofa before heading into the kitchen.

"Just breathe...I'm here...You're safe..." Lin murmured assuringly as he felt John's hands loosen and tighten in his shirt, his whole body quaking. John felt exhausted once more as he fell against Lin's chest, limbs heavy. The horror still lingered, along with the sense that he was forgetting something important. Blue eyes shot wide, hands urgently pushing himself back as he looked up at Lin, who looked both surprised and worried at the sudden activity.

"Pen! Paper!" Lin looked at Mai in silent request, and she stumbled out of her seat to grab her pen and a post-it note. "R71, B71, Kyoto 6." Mai didn't ask questions as she hurriedly jotted it down. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. Maybe next time I can...John's thoughts stopped dead as his body was almost crushed against Lin's chest. He couldn't breathe with how tight his arms were, and the well of fear flooding his chest only made it harder.

"Don't you dare! Don't you ever!" Lin's terror seeped through their bond and John felt fresh tears spilling down his cheeks as Lin's body quivered against him. "I-it really felt like you were dying..." John squirmed to return the embrace, climbing his way onto Lin's lap and burying his face in their bonding mark. The scent relaxed both of them. If Lin can feel it so keenly then...John wasn't sure Gene would be willing to show him again. I just wish I had seen more...

"I can't control it, but...I'll try," John replied apologetically as he nuzzled Lin's cheek. He drew back, eyes softening as he wiped Lin's tears with his thumbs. It wasn't the first time Lin had cried, but it was the first time John had actually looked at his crying face. There was something almost beautiful about it. Lin flushed at the thought and looked away. He felt embarrassed. John smiled as he leaned up and kissed his alpha's cold lips. They were both in shock.

"Here," Naru's voice interrupted, easing a cup of hot tea into John's hands. The scent was relaxing. Comforting. Lin also seemed calmer as he sipped the hot liquid, not seeming to notice as he burned his tongue. "What's going on?" Naru knew he was the only one left out of the loop. He could tell from the way Mai avoided his eyes. At first he'd thought it was something personal between John and Lin, but now that Mai was shutting him out, he got the feeling it was something serious. Something to do with him.

"I..." John trailed off, unable to bring himself to go further.

"You...called Gene's name..." Naru murmured, watching him blanch at the news. It seemed he'd slipped up. John nodded quietly as he settled against Lin's chest, unwilling to leave the security of his arms just yet. Lin sighed against his head. It couldn't be helped.

"I've been having visions...about Gene." Naru's blue eyes widened at the news. He was troubled when John finally finished telling him about it. That should be my burden to bear, idiot! Why would you...Naru sighed at the thought. Had their positions been reversed, he may have done something similar. He'd never inflict that experience on Gene. But I also wouldn't do it to John. John was quite sensitive and fragile. He only found out he was an omega a few months ago. He mated Lin, and now this? That's a lot of pressure..."Naru, I'm alright!" He didn't quite believe him.

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