Mating Marks

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John felt uncomfortable and vulnerable as he stepped into the busy hotel café. It was busy. People rushed back and forth, checking in and checking out, heading to meetings on the upper floors, grabbing lunch or meeting clients. He chose a small table by the long window with a street view. It had been five days since he'd slept with Lin, and he hadn't seen him since. He'd made a point of avoiding it for as long as possible. Over those five days, he'd spent most of his time with Rei, who thought it a good idea to get as much out of his system as possible before his heat took hold.

John was quietly dreading his heat that month, though that wasn't unusual. With Lin's constant texts and phone calls, he'd at least managed to eat. Although he hadn't gained any weight yet, he still felt better than he had before his previous heat. He didn't dread the physical toll it would take on his body, though that was certainly a concern. He was more worried about being with Lin. The last few times he'd dreaded being a sex object, but now he dreaded being a substitute. Being a replacement for Gene somehow felt worse. Especially since now...I-I think I really care about Koujo...He knew it could just be his omega's influence. It always got stronger around his heat.

"John!" Rei looked even more handsome than usual. His ebony locks were shining, his chocolate eyes were bright, his skin was healthily flushed, and his sea foam scent was quite soothing, like waves crashing on a beach. He was also well dressed in a deep navy suit, clearly just coming from work. "Sorry, I just finished my meeting," he apologised with a sigh as he sat down with a cup of coffee. John waved it off kindly, relieved to no longer be alone in the crowd. It was difficult being in such a place with all the different scents pressing in, especially around his heat.

"What is it?" John asked as he noticed Rei's eyes widen slightly. Rei sat a little further forward, clearly intending what he said to remain between them.

"Your heat's almost here, isn't it?" It wasn't a question. John flushed and nodded. He'd already received a message from Lin telling him to pack up tonight to go to his apartment. He expected his heat to start within the next two days. To Rei, his heat smelled even closer. Something he was sure Lin would have known if he'd seen him over the past few days. He looked troubled as he reached out with his scent, forming a small bubble around their small table to block out other scents. He didn't want John to be overwhelmed, and he already looked sickly. "And you haven't spoken to Lin." Again, it wasn't a question.

"I can't seem to...He was calling for Gene in his sleep...I don't want to be a replacement..." Rei apologised as he quickly sent a message on his phone. It wasn't like him to be distracted. It almost made John feel bad. Rei had been so good to him recently, cancelling other commitments or squeezing him in between meetings as he asked for more time. "I know they think I'm like Gene, but I'm not him...It isn't fair!" A flurry of different emotions swirled in his chest. His omega ached for Lin's touch. It was close to his heat, and he wanted to be in his nest, at Lin's apartment, buried in Lin's clothes, safe in Lin's arms, with his alpha pinning him down, making him writhe in ecstasy. At the same time, John was desperately unhappy. It was devastated to have gotten so close to Lin, only to find out he didn't truly love him. He felt trapped, like he was in a fake relationship with no way out. It was lonely.

"It's alright, I'm here for you," Rei assured softly as he leaned across the table and laced a large hand in his blonde hair. John flushed. It was such a familiar gesture, but the touch felt so different. He couldn't help but smile. He'd become quite close to Rei during their past few sessions. It felt like they'd known each other much longer than two small weeks. It surprised him how kind he was. He'd taken time of out his busy schedule for the past five days and listened to him talk for hours. He'd tried so hard to offer reason and reassurance.

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