Can I Touch You?

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Lin entered quietly and surveyed the room. Everything was almost exactly as he'd left it. The only difference was that John's cup sat beneath the crook of his raised knee on the sill while he sat engrossed in a thick novel of some sort. Lin leaned on the wall, taking this time to observe him. His blue eyes were rapt as he gazed at the page, holding the book elegantly in his hands. His tongue occasionally wet his lips, which would sometimes form small words as he silently read. The page barely made a sound as it turned. One of John's feet was dangling down to the floor, the weight resting on his toes. His other leg was bent on the sill, toes twitching against the wall, perhaps tapping in time with his reading.

He was relaxed and content. Finally. Leaving him alone had been a good idea. It had given him time to get used to the layout of the homely room and the different items around him. It seemed he'd also claimed his first spot. Lin was almost pleased that he made no sign of having seen him. He was relaxed enough not to feel on edge when his presence filtered into the room. It took him a few more pages, in which Lin mapped out the plains of his cheek and neck, for John to notice his quiet presence. His cheeks flushed as he looked up and caught the Lin's warm gaze.

"Sorry, I was just..." he trailed off timidly, suddenly feeling awkward.

"There's no need to apologise. I said you were welcome to the books," Lin replied as he crossed to the chair and sat. His own current book was resting on a small table beside the chair. He opened it quietly and picked up where he'd left off. It was a useful book. The title almost sound like a pet book and made John grimace. How to Look After Your Omega was the poorly chosen title that stared back at him. On the front was the simple gender neutral symbol of the omega. At least it isn't a cage and a pair of handcuffs. John's reasoning was almost sarcastic as he bristled. Lin's lips quirked as if he'd heard him, which he had in a way. John's indignation was a strong emotion that radiated from him as he glared at the cover. "Don't take it too personally. It's actually been quite useful," Lin said as he glanced over the top of the book.

"I-I wasn't," John objected self-consciously as he averted his eyes. Both of them knew that was a lie. He'd been taking it very personally. Lin's positive words had gotten him curious. What did the book say about taking care of omegas? Was it as patronising as the title suggested? If that were the case, he was certain Lin would have found a different book by now. John laid his book face down on the windowsill. He didn't want to bend the pages, but he had nothing to mark his place.

"Are you hungry?" Lin asked after a while, noting his increasing restlessness. John shook his head, but as far as Lin was concerned, it was around dinnertime. The drop in appetite was another sign that the medication was wearing off. Loss of appetite for sustenance was common when the body had an appetite for something else. John restlessly shrugged out of the cardigan he'd claimed. Another sign. Lin breathed deeply, watching John flinch as a low growl left his throat. "Sorry..." Lin still wasn't used to the way John made his body react. He smells so good right now...His heat is so close...

"It's alright." John's expression remained guarded as he shuffled further back against the window. He could smell Lin's arousal, though he showed no sign of it outwardly. Nor did he act on it. John's cheeks flushed as he met his intense gaze. Lin knew that he could smell it. John also knew that Lin would be able to smell the way his own body was reacting to it. He pressed further back. The cold of the glass seeped through his cotton top. It felt nice. Cooling.

"John, would you step away from the window?" Lin asked politely, but his tone suggested it wasn't a request. John could smell the worry on his scent. He realised he was leaning most of his weight on the glass, though he didn't think it would break under his weight. It was likely double glazed and perfectly safe, but he didn't voice his opinion. Against his better judgement, John slowly pushed himself up and moved sideways to stand awkwardly against the wall. Lin gave him an almost amused look as he turned over the corner of his page and returned the book to the table. "I won't touch you without your consent. You have my word," he assured as he got to his feet, watching John relax slightly at his promise.

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