This story may be cringe but enjoy if you can! This is also my first story where I've given effort to finish it! Hooray!
(Y/n): Your Name
(B/n): Brother Name
(M/n): Mom Name
(D/n): Dad Name
(A/t): Animal Type (Goes for all other family members)
(E/c): Eye Colour (Goes for (m/n))
(F/c): Fur Colour (Goes for (d/n))
(F/n): Friend Name
(B/f/n): Best Friend Name(B/n) was running with (y/n) in toe. Her face was a mix of horror and sadness. The two of them had just witnessed their mother and father, (m/n) and (d/n), get shot and die in front of them. (B/n) had quickly grabbed (y/n) and began running through their home.
Their house consisted of long white hallways with the occasional door. The walls were blank, nothing but white walls, plain white walls. (B/n) and (y/n) had always hated it.
The two of them reached the end of the hallway, the door at the very end opening. They ran inside quickly. It was their parents' room, which consisted of a bed, side tables, dressers, and a desk for each of them.
(B/n) ran to the bed and began ushering (y/n) under the bed. (B/n) looked back, the animals who had killed their parents hadn't come to the hallway yet. They must've somehow missed (b/n) and (y/n) sitting at the table.
"Alright, (y/n), I need you to stay here until I say so or when there's dead silence, ok?" (B/n) explained to the 12-year-old (a/t) in a hurry.
"What? Why? What are you going to do (b/n)?" (y/n) asked, concerned.
"Just do what I say!" (B/n) said, raising his voice a bit. (y/n) flinched, (b/n) never raised his voice, especially at (y/n).
He sighed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I love you (y/n)." With that, (b/n) dropped the sheet over her head and turned toward the door, seeing three soldiers running down the hallway. A light grey cat to the left, a dark grey cat to the right, and a large brown bear in the lead.
(B/n) sighed shakily. He was afraid that this was going to be his end. The soldiers' guns were menacing towards (b/n) since they held them up.
(B/n) walked out of his deceased parent's room towards the soldiers. He wanted to attempt to talk them out of killing him and (y/n) (If they even knew (y/n) was there).
"Show us to the lab kid." The brown bear demanded. His voice was raspy, it had clearly been used a lot for yelling and such.
"What lab?" (B/n) asked, oblivious to what the bear was talking about.
"You know what he's talking about, know that we are not afraid to use force." The dark grey cat growled as he raised his weapon slightly.
"No, I seriously don't know what you're talking about."
"Sir, we believe (d/n) the (a/t) was participating in dangerous experiments and we have to make sure none will affect the well-being of Mobians." The light grey cat told (b/n) gently, she gave off a trustful aura to (b/n).
"Well whatever my father was doing in this secret lab you invented, I have no idea where it is." (B/n) told them.
The bear clenched his teeth. "Then I have no choice." He snarled, he pointed the gun to (b/n)'s head and pulled the trigger.
(y/n) heard a loud bang echo off the walls, she knew what happened, she heard that bang several minutes before. (y/n)'s mother was gone, her father... her brother.
"Search all the rooms. Yang, you search these middle rooms. Sasha, you check the far rooms. I'll check the first ones." The raspy voice commanded.

Stolen Hearts (Shadow x Reader)
FanfictionThe commander and Shadow had been waiting for 10 minutes for his new partner to show up. Shadow was getting impatient. "What's taking her so long? I was told she's always on time." Commander wondered. Shadow rolled his eyes. Suddenly a beautifu...