Your Character

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Hey! This is the first book I'm posting! This is the little "insert your own words and shit" I'm gonna post the prologue on January 1st, 2024. I've worked on this book for a good two years and finished it a few months ago, I'm excited to share it with people who like the same things I do. I believe my writing has greatly improved over the last two years so there will be drastic changes from the first to last chapter. So here's the stuff you'll need to know!

(Y/n): Your Name(Female but change if you'd like)
(F/c): Fur Colour (Doesn't have to be a mammal, they can have feather, scales, etc. your character, your choice)
(A/t): Animal Type
(E/c): Eye Colour
There is only one instance where I describe what (y/n) is wearing so I have left that to your own imagination!

(F/n): Friend Name(Male. Again, change if you'd like)
(F/f/c) Friend Fur Colour (I can't think of an instance where I use this but it's here just in case)
(F/a/t): Friend Animal Type
(F/e/c): Friend Eye Colour
I might describe what he's wearing in one chapter but it's left up to your imagination again. He can also fly, so give him some way of flying. Don't ask why he can fly. He just can.

(B/f/n): Best Friend Name (Female. Change if you'd like. Also dating (f/n)
(B/f/f/c): Best Friend Fur Colour
(B/f/a/t): Best Friend Animal Type
(B/f/e/c): Best Friend Eye Colour
Her outfit is again up to you.

(E/n): Enemy Name (You have a choice rather your enemy is male or female, has a boyfriend too so you get to decide where they're gay or not. They can also fly)
(E/f/c): Enemy Fur Colour
(E/a/t): Enemy Animal Type
(E/e/c): Enemy Eye Colour
I never describe them to have clothes so your choice again!

(S/n): Sister Name
(S/f/c): Sister Fur Colour
(A/t): Animal Type
(E/c): Eye Colour (You and your sister have the same eye colour. It's easier than having 5 different eyes colours to remember)
She's kinda a bitch but she's alright

(B/n): Brother Name
(B/f/c): Brother Fur Colour
(A/t): Animal Type
(B/e/c): Brother Eye Colour
He's pretty important but doesn't show up that much

(D/n): Dad Name
(F/c): Fur Colour (You look like your dad in this story)
(A/t): Animal Type
(B/e/c): Brother eye Colour (Your dad and brother have the same eye colour)
He isn't that involved but he is mentioned every once in a while.

(M/n): Mom Name
(B/f/c): Brother Fur Colour (Your brother looks like your mom)
(A/t): Animal Type
(E/c): Eye Colour
She's pretty much an influential figure and doesn't show up that often

(F/b): Favourite Book (This is used once but I thought I'd put it here)
(R/r): Random Restaurant (Again, only used once)

I have a few OCs in this story so I hope they don't take (y/n)'s name or something.

I understand that this is a lot for a character insert book but I worked hard on it and made it how I imagined and I hope whoever reads this enjoys.

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