Chapter 28

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Sorry I haven't been posting on time, I've been sick the last few weeks and busy, sports and band stuff.
(Y/n): Your Name
(E/n): Enemy Name
(B/f/n): Beat Friend Name
(F/n): Friend Name

     Everything had become quiet for everyone, (y/n) was recovering from her injury, and everyone else was acting like nothing had happened.

     Shadow was still at work though. He wanted to know who this owl was working for and what he wanted with (y/n). Shadow always had a suspicion it had something to do with Sonic but it seemed different this time. More personal.

     Shadow had gotten the name of the owl from (y/n), Hasheem. He had almost no records online, which was frustrating for Shadow but he kept searching and eventually found something, not related to Hasheem or even (e/n), it was on the one and only Scourge the Hedgehog.

     Shadow decided to ask (y/n) about him. He knocked on her door and heard a muffled; "Come in."

     Shadow opened the door and found (y/n) sitting on her couch, looking at her phone with disinterest. She was more casual than Shadow had ever seen her. She was wearing a white tank top with dark grey sweats. She then looked up to see Shadow, which caused her to immediately put her phone down.

     "What is it this time?" She asked sarcastically, "Aliens invading? Not sure if I'm up for it just yet."

     Shadow chuckled lowly, causing (y/n)'s ear to twitch with curiosity. "Nothing with G.U.N, I wanted to know if you knew anything about Scourge?"

     (Y/n) suddenly look a lot more interested. "Scourge the Hedgehog?" (Y/n) questioned, "Green quills, big flirt? Probably in jail?"

     Shadow hesitated before nodding. "Pretty much," He agreed, "how do you know him?"

     (Y/n) sighed and thought for a moment. "I met him when I was about 13, maybe 14, big flirt, really wanted to date me." (Y/n) began, "I wasn't in a great place, homeless, robbing places for food or money."

     Shadow narrowed his eyes at her slightly, but before he could say anything she continued. "He joined in on my little group of homeless teenagers, well, most of us were homeless at least." (Y/n) said with a shrug, "one time we were about to get caught and we pretty much betrayed Scourge by leaving him for the police."

     Shadow looked at (y/n) skeptically. "Is that the only time you met him? Seems like an incomplete story."

     (Y/n)'s tail twitched patiently. "That's because I didn't finish the story." She said, "I met him again when I first met (e/n). He was helping her/him attack me. I fought (e/n) off fairly easily, Scourge didn't give up so easily." (Y/n) lifted her arm to show Shadow a long scar on the inside of her arm.

     Shadow was surprised. "Scourge did that?" He asked, "I didn't think he'd be capable of that."

     (Y/n) nodded. "He can and will." She sighed, "See, from when I knew him, he would never do something like that. I think he was forced to do it in some way."

     Shadow nodded. "I'm thinking the same thing with Hasheem, from what I see, he's following specific orders."

     "Oh absolutely," (y/n) agreed, "the way they were talking they wanted to bring me to some sort of leader."

     Shadow thought for a moment. "Any idea who would want to kidnap you?" He questioned.

     "I can't think of anyone who's that pissed at me." (Y/n) said, "I've wronged a lot of mobians, but nothing so severe they'd gather an army to find me."

     Shadow was about to reply but his phone vibrated, Shadow checked the notification and smirked. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked.

     "I've managed to get Scourge to meet up with me. Wanna come?" Shadow asked, "This whole thing does involve you after all."

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