Chapter 45

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(Y/n): Your Name
(F/n): Friend Name
(B/f/n): Best Friend Name
(E/n): Enemy Name
(A/t): Animal Type

     "Why did you tell them?" The figure asked as Chime and Amy tan out of the room, desperate to warn their friends.

     The intruder shrugged. "It felt right," he said simply, "what's so wrong with it? They'd know soon enough!"

     The figure jumped down from it's perch on the computer. "What if they tell them before they're supposed to know?" It snapped, "You know how dangerous this is!"

     "Yeah, yeah, 'we shouldn't be here' I get it alright?" The intruder grumbled, "Let's go home if this is so dangerous!"

     The figure sighed and shook its head. "You know what we're waiting for," It snarled, "we will stay here until we figure out how to kill him."

     The intruder laughed. "You think what worked here is going to work there?" He asked sarcastically, "I doubt it, there is no use in being here!"

     The figure's glowing eyes narrowed. "It's worth a shot," it growled, "you know I'd die to kill him."

     "And I've told you I'd die with you to kill him."

     "Then let's find a way to kill him without killing ourselves." The figure concluded, "Let's go."


     Zinc, Senile, Dun-bar, and Snowy were already waiting outside when Ebony pulled up to Dun-Bar. Frosty sighed irritably. "This'll be fun to explain."

     Frosty got out of the vehicle followed by Flame. They waved goodbye to Ebony before she drove away. Flame leaned against his sister's shoulder, as the wound on his leg felt like it was on fire.

     Frosty and Flame hobbled over to the four waiting by the door to the bar. Zinc and Senile looked ready to kill something, Dun-bar looked more angry than concerned, and Snowy looked anxious.

     "Do I even want to know what happened?" Dun-bar demanded, "At least tell me you won."

     Flame shrugged sheepishly while Frosty rolled her eyes. "You know we aren't kids anymore right?"

     Dun-bar crossed his arms and took a few steps closer to his children. "You two sure act like children though," he growled, "what happened?"

     Flame cleared his throat, signalling Frosty that he'd explain. "Gunner kinda implied that Ebony was in danger, I told (y/n) and us and a few of her friends went to Ebony's place to help," Flame explained, "apparently they knew who a couple of them were and there's a whole drama thing with a Leader guy or something-"

     "Stop. Don't say anything else. This sounds stupid." Dun-bar snapped, "Don't get yourselves into shit that doesn't involve you."

     "So your saying if someone's in danger don't help them?" Frosty retorted, "(y/n) needs our help so we'll do what we like!"

     Dun-bar was about to snap something else but Snowy began talking before he could. "You realize how we would feel if we lost you?" She protested, "(Y/n) is more skilled than both of you, despite not having any powers. She would blame herself if one of you were to die helping her, just don't put yourselves in danger anymore, okay?"

     Frosty faltered, and glared at the ground for a moment before sighing. Flame leaned away from her, allowing Frosty to go over to Snowy. Frosty hugged her and they stayed like that for a moment.

     Flame smiled and limped over to Zinc and Senile. Dun-bar sighed and walked back into the bar, his way of letting them off the hook.

     Frosty and Snowy pulled away from each other. Frosty was about to go over to the other three, but Flame signalled to her to go home. Frosty hesitated for a moment but nodded and pulled Snowy over to the parking lot instead.

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