Chapter 14

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(Y/n): Your Name
(S/n): Sister Name
(F/c): Fur Colour
(A/t): Animal Type
(E/a/t): Enemy Animal Type (Preferably able to fly)
(E/n): Enemy Name
(S/f/c): Sister Fur Colour (idc if it's the same colour as (y/n)'s it's your character)
(N/n): Nickname

There were over 20 mobians in the alleyway, there was no way of figuring out who was on which side, but to Shadow and (y/n), all of them were the enemy.

(Y/n) rushed in first grabbing a Doberman by the neck, pulling him away and flipping him backwards onto his stomach and kicking him in the face causing him to go limp.

While Shadow kicked the tiger the Doberman was fighting in the stomach then punching him in the face and then kicking his knees and he fell to the ground.

The two looked at each other and nodded. They went separately and began knocking out the other mobians, unknowing of the tall figure watching from above.

(y/n) was quickly working through all the enemies with Shadow at the same pace. Shadow wasn't using his powers and simply stomping through the enemies with punches and kicks.

(y/n) hadn't figured out his preferred strategy, but from what she could tell, he only used his powers if it was necessary, which in this case, was a bunch of mindless gang members fighting mindlessly.

Soon enough, Shadow and (y/n) were down to two enemies, the one (y/n) was fighting had abnormal strength, she repeatedly dodged his attacks hoping to tire him out but he didn't relent. Eventually, (y/n) begins to lose energy and is punched backward almost landing on top of someone she hoped to never see again.


(S/n) was good, she did what she was told and never asked questions, even to odd mobians fighting on the streets in Station Square.

But she did when a familiar (f/c) (a/t) came flying at her from an alleyway.

"(Y/n)?" (S/n) had barely started before a (e/a/t) came swooping in and picked up the (a/t) in front of (S/n) and threw her in the air.

The (a/t), unquestionably (y/n), grabbed onto the edge of a building that was fortunate enough to be there to save (y/n).

(S/n) stood there, unable to move. She had found (y/n), but she was in danger. But what could (S/n) do? She was a simple accountant, nothing special.

(Y/n) had climbed onto the roof and the (e/a/t) and tried to attack her but the black hedgehog with red stripes suddenly appeared in front of the (e/a/t) kicked her back and landed on the roof next to (y/n).

The three seemed to exchange words and then the (e/a/t) whipped around and flew towards (s/n). (S/n) screeched as the (e/a/t) picked her up in a cold grasp and flew towards the hedgehog and (y/n).

The hedgehog —(s/n) had heard from the news his name was Shadow— held an angered face while (y/n)'s face, remained as neutral as ever.


Do not show her recognition. (Y/n) told herself. If I show recognition, (e/n) will surely kill her to spite me.

"Put her down," Shadow demanded, he sounded like someone you didn't want to disobey. But (e/n) didn't even flinch.

Instead (e/n) turned to (y/n). "You know her don't you? Who is she? A friend?" (E/n) suddenly cooed excitedly. "Or even better, a family member?"

(Y/n) shuddered, revealing who the (s/f/c) (a/t) is. "Leave her alone, she doesn't need to be involved."

(E/n) laughed maniacally. "You really think I'm gonna go easy, (y/n)? I'm starting to think you don't know me at all!" Then (e/n) dropped (s/n), causing (s/n) to begin screaming.

Before (y/n) could react, Shadow had teleported to the sidewalk and caught (s/n). With (s/n) safe, (y/n) looked back at (e/n) who was throwing her legs up to kick (y/n).

(Y/n) went flying back and banged her head on the roof of the building. Her vision blurred, giving (e/n) the chance to land on top of (y/n) and pin her down and begin throwing punches at (y/n).

(Y/n) was surprised when she somehow managed to block a few of (e/n)'s punches which just infuriated her even more, making the punches (y/n) couldn't block even more painful.


The (s/f/c) (a/t) was clinging onto Shadow as if life depended on it. Shadow felt like dropping her to stop whatever was going on on the rooftop above.

"Hey! I have to stop that (e/a/t) from killing my partner, so let go!" Shadow said roughly.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Please go do that!" The (a/t) said, quickly letting Shadow go and practically jumping out of his arms.

Shadow didn't waste any time, he chaos-controlled onto the rooftop and saw the (e/a/t) pinning (y/n) to the ground punching her over and over again, seemingly not knowing Shadow was there.

Shadow rushed over and kicked the (e/a/t) in the head, knocking her over away from (y/n) who looked close to passing out.

While the (e/a/t) recovered from the kick, Shadow rounded his arm under (y/n)'s shoulders, effectively holding her upright.

Shadow heard and irritated hiss and he looked up only to see the (e/a/t) whipping around and flying away quickly.


(S/n) felt like she was going to collapse as she looked up, hoping that the silence above and the (e/a/t) flying away was a good thing and not bad.

She tapped her fingers together nervously, and apparently, she began falling since she felt strong hands loop under her shoulders, holding her up.

(S/n) looked back to see a red wolf, with the slightest pink tint with kind brown eyes looking down at her with concern.

"Are you ok? You sort of began to fall." He informed her.

(S/n) nodded her head. "Yeah, it's just I'm worried about my sister." She admitted to the stranger.

"Your sister?" A familiar voice questioned. (S/n) turned her head to see a light greyish-blue leopard and a dark greyish-blue leopard waking towards (s/n) and the stranger.

"Bulp? Pulp?" (S/n) questions, pushing herself up from the gentle hold of the stranger.

"Yup, it's us." The dark greyish-blue leopard —Bulp— said, "And I didn't know you and (n/n) were on speaking terms."

"We aren't, sort of... I need to talk to her about it." (S/n) explained, "What's your name anyhow?"

"Me? Oh! Well, uh... my name is Hibiscus, Hibiscus the Wolf." The stranger said, rather nervously.

"Well thank you for catching me Hibiscus, it means a lot. I'm (s/n) the (a/t)." (S/n) said in a surprisingly even tone, shaking Hibiscus's hand.

Then Shadow showed up, his arm looked under (y/n)'s shoulder, holding her up.

"Oh my!" Pulp exclaimed, shocked to see (y/n) barely conscious.

"Take her to a doctor!" (S/n) almost shouted, lightly touching (y/n)'s upper arm.

Shadow nodded and yelled out, "Chaos Control!" Then Shadow, (y/n), and (s/n) were gone.

Word Count: 1198

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