(B/n): Brother Name
(B/f/n): Best Friend Name
(Y/n): Your Name
(F/n): Friend Name
(E/n): Enemy NameBeta felt (b/n)'s fear. It was almost too intense for her to handle, (b/f/n) had actually died.
(b/f/n) sat up, leaving her body. She looked around confused. She hadn't seen her body and only saw (y/n)'s desperate face. (f/n) had tears rolling down his face. (e/n) and Hasheem seemed lost.
Then (b/f/n)'s eyes landed on Beta and (b/n). "You two weren't here before," she said, "where did you come from?"
"Not important," Beta responded as (b/n) was still frozen, "you cannot die, got it?"
(B/f/n) looked confused. "What do you mean?" She asked, "I'm not dead. Am I? What's happening?"
Beta went up to her and grabbed (b/f/n)'s shoulders, making her look at Beta. "Listen, Hasheem picked you up and pretty much crushed you into the ground. You died," Beta explained, "but you can come back to life, but you have to listen to me, got it?"
(B/f/n) nodded frantically, "What do I have to do? I can't leave (f/n) and (y/n)."
"No," (b/n) suddenly interjected, "she's too frantic to do it. Beta, keep her body fresh and I'll calm (b/f/n) down and explain it to her."
Beta looked at (b/n) with disbelief before looking back at (b/f/n) and understanding. "Ok, how will I know when she's ready?"
"You'll know." (B/n) replied simply, "now go, before (y/n) gives up."
(Y/n) began to lose hope just as the others did. She was about to give up when (b/f/n) shot up to a sitting position, gasping.
She looked at her hands, "I'm alive," (b/f/n) whispered wistfully. "Actually alive."
"Yes you are," (y/n) said to her, "thank god," (y/n) did something that even surprised herself, she hugged (b/f/n).
(B/f/n) seemed to hesitate before she hugged back. They held onto each other for a long time. (F/n) had made his way over to them and joined the hug. He was relieved and filled with happiness.
(Y/n) heard Hasheem sigh with relief. "Ok, enough of this," Hasheem said as if nothing had happened, "(e/n) bring them to the back room and lock them there. Everyone else, prepare for the authorities to show up."
(Y/n) heard Hasheem walk away, his claws dragging on the marble floor. (E/n) walked up behind the three.
"Hey! Get over here and help me!" (E/n) called to someone before dragging (y/n) away from the hug.
(Y/n) would've let go soon anyway since she could tell (f/n) needed to hug her a lot longer.
(Y/n) got to her feet just as the same escort from before came towards them. "Had to call him out of everyone?" (Y/n) growled to (e/n), still not looking at her/him.
"He was the first one I saw, so-" (e/n) cut herself/himself off before she/he could finish, (y/n) could guess what she/he was going to say.
"Can't bring yourself to apologize?" (Y/n) said jokingly, "to be honest, I thought you were better than that."
"Just shut up," (E/n) hissed and pushed (y/n) forward warningly, "get going."
(F/n) released (b/f/n) and the escort stood behind them as (e/n) led the way with (y/n) in front of her.
They made it to a room at the end of the building, (e/n) and the escort shoved (y/n), (b/f/n), and (f/n) inside then locked the door behind them.
The room was fairly nice looking with two couches and a coffee table.
Once (y/n) was sure (e/n) and the escort were away from the door, she turned to (b/f/n). "How are you alive (b/f/n)? You were dead." (Y/n) demanded.
(B/f/n) smiled. "I expected you would say something like that." Her voice was wrong, it wasn't her own.
(Y/n) stepped back. "You aren't (b/f/n)." (Y/n) said, "Who are you? Is (b/f/n) actually dead?"
"Temporary, she is dead." Not-(b/f/n) said, "I am simply keeping her body... fresh. Sorry for not having a better word for it."
(F/n) looked sad for a moment before becoming confused. "But if you're not (b/f/n)," he began, "who are you?"
"I was 13 when I died, 6 years ago," Not-(b/f/n) explained, "My name is Beta the Wolf. I'm good friends with (b/n) actually, he was the one who told me to do this."
(Y/n) froze. "(B/n)?" (F/n) questioned, "whose that? Someone you knew when you were alive?"
Beta/(b/f/n) gave (f/n) a sad smile. "Sadly no," she replied, "he died when he was 14 years old, 6 years ago."
"He died after you?" (F/n) asked, "how did he die? And you?"
Beta's/(b/f/n)'s smile fell slightly. "I died in a shooting. (B/n) died a few months after by getting shot in the head." Beta/(b/f/n) glanced at (y/n) who still hadn't moved, "He's doing great. He's watched you grow into your independent self (y/n). He's proud."
(Y/n) turned her head to meet Beta's/(b/f/n)'s gaze which was sympathetic. But (f/n) looked suspicious.
"Did you know (b/n) or something?" (F/n) asked, he thought for a moment before a look of sad realization came to his face, "(b/n) was your brother, wasn't he?"
(Y/n) didn't answer, as she knew (f/n) knew the answer. A sad silence filled the room.
"Anyway, how are we going to get out of here?" Beta/(b/f/n) asked, "You tried, but will they get here in time?"
"He should be able to show up."(f/n) replied, "Not sure how he'll find this place though."
"If you're talking about Shadow," (y/n) began, her voice filled with amusement, "I can contact him on my watch."
(F/n) smiled. "Then all we have to do is find out where we are, and tell him." (F/n) stated, "never thought it'd be this easy."
"Well," (y/n) started, "before we do anything, our first priority should be to fix your face."
Beta/(b/f/n) nodded. "I agree, (y/n), you contact Shadow, and I'll help (f/n) with the scratches."
(F/n) and (y/n) nodded, (f/n) had a smirk on his face. "Let's get out of this shithole."
Word Count: 1109

Stolen Hearts (Shadow x Reader)
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