Chapter 4

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(Y/n): Your Name
(F/n): Friend Name
(B/f/n): Best Friend Name
(A/t): Animal Type

     (Y/n) leaned against the wall waiting for Shadow, Silver and (f/n) to come. She glanced at the emeralds in her hands. She could feel the power radiating through the emeralds.

     Then she saw Shadow approaching, green chaos emerald in hand, he seemed deep in thought, so much that he barely noticed (y/n) standing there.

     "Nothing?" (Y/n) asked him. He glanced up from looking at the chaos emerald.

     "It's odd for Dr. Eggman. He usually has robots around every corner." Shadow said with a frown. "Where are the others?"

     "Still waiting for them. (F/n) is probably joking around." (Y/n) said looking down the hallway.

     "He shouldn't be doing that while working. Idiot." Shadow growled.

     (Y/n) nodded. "He does his job well while sliding in some silliness. What about your friend? Silver is his name right?"

     Shadow nodded. "Silver doesn't joke around in important business. He does know how to make mobians laugh, he doesn't mix it with saving lives as Sonic does."

     "Sonic, he doesn't seem like the smartest. He's fairly immature for the hero of Mobius." (Y/n) stated blandly.

     Shadow chuckled slightly. "His immaturity has helped save the world, believe it or not. As much as I hate to admit it his strategies work well. Although he does have tendencies to rush in without thinking."

     (Y/n)'s communicator began sparking to life with a frantic call from (b/f/n). "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Eggman's about to enter the base! Hurry up and get out of there!" Silver and (f/n) had appeared out of nowhere and were close enough to hear the communicator.

     "What? Where's Sonic?" (Y/n) asked frowning.

     "I don't know! But are you guys leaving or what?"

     "We're going now," Shadow interrupted. (Y/n), (f/n) and Silver nodded.

     The four of them rushed to the door, but before they reached it the door opened revealing Eggman.


Sonic ran through the forest looking for Eggman's base. Where was it? He should've known to remember his path.

     Then Sonic heard the sound of robots exploding. He immediately turned in that direction.

     When he arrived Shadow was fighting back to back with (b/f/n), they were fighting off five Moto Bugs at once. (F/n) and Silver were in the air fighting off three Balkiries. (Y/n) was fighting four Egg Pawns, but a Buzz Bomber was coming from behind her that she seemingly hadn't noticed.

     Sonic jumped into action and spin-dashed the Buzz Bomber and landed behind (y/n) as she crushed one of the Egg Pawns under her foot.

     "What happened to distracting Dr. Eggman?" (Y/n) asked bitterly.

     "I thought he was still behind me! I wasn't paying attention!" Sonic exclaimed back at her, kicking an Egg Pawn into oblivion.

     "We'll because of your immaturity you made this job that much harder." She snapped back dodging an attack from a Caterkiller that had decided to attack the pair.

     "Sorry, you guys weren't fast enough!" Sonic retorted spin dashing the Caterkiller.

     "If it weren't for Silver and (f/n) taking such a long time we wouldn't be fighting right now!" Shadow snarled, joining Sonic and (y/n)'s circle.

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