Chapter 49

321 9 2

(Y/n): Your Name
(B/f/n): Best Friend Name
(F/n): Friend Name
(B/n): Brother Name
(E/n): Enemy Name
(A/t): Animal Type

The rafters shook ever so slightly. (Y/n)'s ears twitched and she looked towards the noise.

The rafters were heavily covered in shadow, the keenest of eyes would have trouble making out a figure.

(Y/n) looked back to the paper she was scribbling on with a flimsy pencil she had found.

Out of the corner of her eye, (y/n) saw Hasheem stalk past. Her head raised with a flicker of hope before she realized his usual blue eyes were the unsettling green Mephiles' were.

Her eyes flicked back to the paper. The hope that had risen in her chest flickered out once again.


"If anything I should find (y/n), I'm her best friend after all."

"No, it'd be better if I went, I can fly and I'm more stealthy than you."

"Why does it matter? Either way, she'll be saved, I will go."

"But that's-"

"Your bickerin' is insufferable," Chime groaned, "if anythin', it should be me! I can die and come back to life, it'd be easier for me to save 'er."

"We don't have much reason to trust you still!" (B/f/n) retorted, "(y/n) would never trust you to save her."

"Yes she would," (f/n) argued, "she gave Chime a second chance, she trusts her."

"(Y/n) was probably just being nice!" (B/f/n) objected, her tail lashing wildly behind her(if it's long enough).

"Nice?" Chime asked skeptically, "As far as I see, (y/n) is far from nice."

The three began arguing back and forth while Shadow sat on the couch watching them.

(B/n) was seated on the arm of the chair next to Shadow. "Who do you think should grab (y/n)?" He asked, "They'll probably listen to you."

"I doubt it," Shadow muttered back, "(b/f/n) and (f/n) are most likely thinking of this like 'who will (y/n) keep as a friend?', but they are right that Chime isn't completely trustworthy. I would do it but I might be the only one capable of defeating Mephiles."

"I'd go with Chime," (b/n) offered, "even if (b/f/n) and (f/n) aren't dating anymore, they were always an unstoppable duo."

Shadow looked at him. "And if Chime does betray us?"

(B/n) smiled confidently. "(Y/n) has fought —and killed— Chime before, she'll manage."

Shadow thought for a moment before nodding and standing and walking towards the arguing mobians.

"Just let me-"

"Chime will do it." Shadow easily interrupted (b/f/n), she whipped around and glared at Shadow for a moment before her face scrunched in confusion.

"Chime? Why?" She asked, "She is not trustworthy."

"I need you and (f/n) to distract Hasheem and (e/n)." Shadow explained, "You and (e/n) don't get along well so a battle will be easy to keep up, (f/n) and Hasheem probably have a bit of a grudge against each other so they'll keep a fight up, I'll distract Mephiles and Chime can get (y/n)."

"But what if (y/n) has the possession thingy too?" (F/n) pointed out, "She'd probably be ruthless if she was against us."

"Then we'll improvise," Shadow replied, "(b/n) is here as well and he might be able to help."

"So then what're we waitin' for?" Chime snarled impatiently, "Let's go get that (a/t)!"


Hasheem droned mindlessly in the same direction, every time he passed (y/n)'s cell she never moved from her curled position in the corner.

His usual self would be suspicious, but with Mephiles' control over his mind, he couldn't bring himself to care enough to check.

The moonlight shone through the large hole in the wall, it was the only source of light besides the flickering light in (y/n)'s cell. If someone were to stand in the hole, their figure would block out most of the light in the room, and that's what happened.

Hasheem's head snapped towards the hole but the figure had quickly jumped into the rafters. Hasheem launched himself off the ground and landed heavily on the rafters. His head swivelled around and he spotted two figures a few metres away. Hasheem dove out of the rafters only to fly up towards the figures.

He head-butted the smaller one in the stomach and into the roof. He swung around to attack the other one and his talons scrapped painfully against some type of metal.

The one he had pinned to the roof suddenly pushed him down with incredible strength. Hasheem was about to call out but the figure kicked his chest and he went flying to the ground.

Hasheem tried to struggle to his feet but the figure landed on top of him, and apparently, even for a scrawny creature, its weight was too much for Hasheem to lift.

The figure leaned forward and pulled Hasheem's face towards its own, looking him in the eyes.

"Robot..." Hasheem choked out, the figure standing on his chest also seemed to be cutting off his breathing somehow.

"Believe what you want to believe," it muttered, before it pulled up its robotic mask, "Look at me, you will not remember seeing us in the rafters, you only saw a Flicky fly by, understand?"

"It was only a Flicky..." Hasheem murmured, "I saw a Flicky fly by!"

"Exactly! That scar flatters you by the way," The figure replied enthusiastically, slamming its mask over its face again, "Brother, back in the rafters! Don't make that mistake again."

     The figure was suddenly gone. Hasheem struggled to his feet, shaking his head violently.

"Hasheem?" (Y/n) called, she was standing at the door to her cell, "Why are you on the floor?"Apparently, she didn't hear the commotion.

Hasheem brought himself to his feet and turned his gaze on the (a/t). He opened his mouth to reply when a loud crash sounded across the warehouse in a different room.

Without acknowledging (y/n), Hasheem hurried off towards the noise, leaving (y/n) alone with the two strangers in the rafters.


(B/f/n) was the first to attack. She quickly launched herself at (e/n) as she/he entered the room. Streams of water followed behind (b/f/n). As (b/f/n) smashed into (e/n), the water streams hit (e/n) from either side, ruining her ability to fly.

(E/n) yelled in anger and began berating (b/f/n) with her weapons(idk do whatever you want for weapons).

Hasheem burst in soon after and (f/n) quickly dove at him, pushing him to the ground. Hasheem screeched loudly and used his claws to rake (f/n)'s chest and belly while crushing him with his wings.

Mephiles appeared in a heap of shadowy smoke soon after. Shadow jumped down from his spot next to Chime and landed in front of Mephiles.

"Ah! Shadow the Hedgehog! We've been expecting you!" Mephiles exclaimed, his tone almost happy.

While Mephiles recited his evil monologue, Shadow subtly tracked Chime slipping out of the room to find (y/n).

Once Chime was out of sight, Shadow turned his attention back to Mephiles. "-so Shadow, let's finish this long overdue battle."

Shadow narrowed his eyes at Mephiles before he sped towards him, ready to attack.

Word Count: 1217

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