Chapter 8

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Sorry I was on vacation and forgot to post chapters

(Y/n): Your Name
(B/n): Brother Name
(S/f/c): Sister Fur Colour
(E/c): Eye Colour
(S/n): Sister Name
(N/n): Nickname
(M/n): Mom Name
(D/n): Dad Name
(A/t): Animal Type

The this writing is flashbacks

(y/n) was running through a long white hallway with (b/n) leading her. Wait, she's lived through this before, she was around 8 right now, meaning (b/n) was 10. A tall, (s/f/c) wolf with (e/c) eyes, who was around 16, came out of a room and began scolding them.

"(b/n)! Stop running around! You're gonna get into trouble!" she snapped at (b/n).

(b/n) laughed lightly, "Oh come on (s/n), why would mom and dad care?" he asked jokingly.

"I swear they're raising you too softly." (s/n) growled.

"Lighten up sis," (b/n) said with his contagious smile, elbowing his older sister in the side, making her grin.

"It's your fault if we get in trouble got it?" (s/n) said with a mischievous smile.

"You know it!" (b/n) said, "Come one (n/n)!"

"I'm coming!" (y/n) said running after the two with a smile on her face.

(y/n) snapped out of her memories to hear her phone ringing. She picked it up and looked at the name. (s/n), she rolled her eyes and hung up.

Then there was a knock on the door. (y/n) stood for her couch and went over.

"Hello, are you ready to go?" Blaze asked as (y/n) opened the door.

"Sure, let's go," (y/n) replied closing the door as she exited.

Blaze led the way to the elevator and they rode in silence.

"We could probably walk to the Café, it's a few blocks away," Blaze stated, breaking the deafening silence. (y/n) nodded.

As the elevator slowly made its way to the ground floor, (y/n) began seeing memories again.

"(b/n)! What did you do?" (m/n) called firmness in her voice. (y/n) scoffed as panic came to his 11-year-old face.

"What did you do this time?" a 17-year-old (s/n) asked, panicking.

"I don't know, all I did was-" he froze with fear.
(y/n) grinned, "what did you do?" she asked, preparing for a stupid prank.

"I may have, possibly... Replaced the cranberry juice with jello..." (b/n) replied sheepishly.

"(b/n)!" (s/n) growled, her hands shaking violently. "What have you done?"

"(b/n)! Don't make us come in there!" (d/n) called in a similar tone to (m/n).

"Ok, I'm coming!" (b/n) called back, a shakiness in his voice.

"I'm watching this!" (s/n) said, very interested in what was about to happen to (b/n).

"Me too," (y/n) said following after her siblings.

"(y/n)? Are you coming?" Blaze asked. (y/n) snapped out of her memory and looked at Blaze, who was waiting outside the elevator.

"Yeah, sorry, I got stuck in a thought." (y/n) said, walking towards Blaze.

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