Chapter 50

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(Y/n): Your Name
(A/t): Animal Type
(F/n): Friend Name
(B/f/n): Best Friend Name
(E/n): Enemy Name
(B/n): Brother Name

"Idiot! Why the fuck did you do that?" The figure whisper-screamed at the intruder.

"I'm so sorry! I should've checked before I-"

"Just because you should've doesn't mean you did!" The figure interrupted, "We could've gotten caught! Then we'd be in real danger!"

"I know! I know! I'm sorry!" The intruder cried, "I wish I could take it back! I swear!"

The figure sighed. "Okay, okay. Listen-"

"Hey! Whose there?" The yell came from below them. The figure and intruder leaned over to look down. The only living thing down there was (y/n) the (a/t). Who was looking around suspiciously.

The two looked at each other. "Oh shit," the figure muttered, "we've been caught."


(F/n) dodged to the left as Hasheem dove at him from the air. Hasheem crashed headfirst into the floor, his head immediately shot up and he let out an inmobian screech and attacked (f/n) again.

(F/n) ducked as Hasheem mindlessly launched himself at him. Hasheem crashed through the wall, bringing a lot more wall with him.

(F/n) felt a stab of pity for the owl he had almost considered a friend less than a week ago. He knew Hasheem would never behave this way if he was his normal self.

Hasheem stood and looked at (f/n), green eyes glowing in the dim light. His eyes narrowed and he launched himself in the air again.

(F/n) subconsciously dodged Hasheem's claws as they reached for him.

(F/n) was trying to focus on the battle at hand, but his mind kept wandering to (b/f/n).

Her lovely smile flashed in his mind, her silliness, her short-temper, her kindness. To (f/n), (b/f/n) was perfect.

He desperately wanted to be by her side for the rest of their lives, but (b/f/n) thought they were done for. (F/n) disagreed, but nobody could argue with (b/f/n).

So he was willing to wait for her. He would wait for her his whole life if he had to.

Hasheem's claws sank into (f/n)'s back and threw him forward into a wall. (F/n) easily caught himself in the air after he smashed into the wall. He glared down at Hasheem standing on the ground before he dove at him and attacked him ruthlessly.

(F/n) was done playing nice, he was done hoping Hasheem would snap out of it. It was time to stop the fighting.


(B/f/n) shot a wave of water at (e/n)'s face for the fifth time. Which infuriated her/him more than it had before. She/he coughed up some water before slashing/swinging at (b/f/n) with her/his weapon.

(B/f/n) narrowly dodged before kicking (e/n) in the chest with her foot along with the spurt of water. She/he stumbled back slightly but quickly attacked (b/f/n) again.

They go back and forth fighting until (b/f/n) freezes after a particularly heavy blow to (e/n).

She had seen Hasheem launch (f/n) into the wall. A moment of pure terror and fear filled but until (f/n) quickly caught himself in the air and attacked Hasheem fiercely.

(B/f/n) felt relief flood over her until (e/n) pushed her to the ground and put all of her/his weight on (b/f/n). (B/f/n) yelped in pain and used her water to spout a powerful blast at (e/n), knocking her/him off.

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