Chapter 30

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I think it's pretty cool that we're at 2k read. Glad some people like my writing!
(Y/n): Your Name
(S/n): Sister Name
(B/f/n): Best Friend Name
(F/n): Friend Name
(N/n): Nickname
(E/n): Enemy Name
(M/n): Mom Name

Hasheem had told Shadow and the others what had happened and the room quickly erupted in a mix of emotions. Anger, frustration, anxiety, and most of all fear.

Sonic decided to call Tails to see if he could think of anything since Tails was the smartest of them all.

While Sonic did that, everyone else argued whether to tell (y/n) or not, Silver and Hasheem arguing they should, and (s/n) and Scourge arguing they shouldn't. Scourge had quickly showed up after he had called Hasheem.

Shadow stood on the sidelines of all of it, unsure of what to do. He believed (y/n) should know about this, but it would also stress her out, and she had enough to worry about as it was.

Shadow sighed as Sonic slid to his side. "What're we supposed to do?" Sonic asked unsurely.

Shadow turned to him slightly. "Go get (b/f/n) and (f/n). I'll get (y/n)." He ordered.

Shadow began walking towards the door Sonic following him. "Well, what about those guys? Are we not gonna tell them?" Sonic asked.

Shadow opened the door and began walking towards (y/n)'s apartment. "They'll just keep arguing. Think about what (y/n) would want. As much as I don't want to tell her this, it's what she'd want."

Sonic sighed with a nod, turning towards the direction of (b/f/n) and (f/n)'s apartment.

Shadow reached (y/n)'s room and knocked. He heard some shuffling around before she opened the door. "What is it?" She asked, "You weren't even here an hour ago."

Shadow chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, we'll something came up, I didn't want to include you in this but I thought you'd want to be."

The calm, slightly humorous face she had been making fell into a serious and concerned one. "What happened?"


As Shadow helped (y/n) walk to his apartment, she couldn't help but wonder what was happening.

Shadow opened the door for (y/n) just as she spotted Sonic with (b/f/n) and (f/n) rounding the corner.

(Y/n) slipped inside and saw Silver, (s/n), Hasheem, and Scourge arguing.

(Y/n) was confused. Silver being there made sense, but Hasheem wanted to kill her, Scourge hated Sonic, and (y/n) had told (s/n) to leave. Whatever was happening, (y/n) understood that it was serious.

(Y/n) looked back to see Sonic, (b/f/n), (f/n), as well as Tails enter the apartment. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes, she hadn't met Tails many times, but from her memory, his fur wasn't that dark. From what (y/n) remembered, Tails' fur was a bright yellow-orange, but now, it was a darker shade.

(Y/n) decided to ignore it since (y/n) had only met Tails' twice, once in a bright setting (the party), and the other in a darker setting (Dun-bar).

(Y/n) heard Silver sigh and turned towards him. He had turned away from the argument, most likely tired of it and noticed all of them.

Silver walked towards (y/n). "Shadow or Sonic, right?" He asked, "It's more of their thing to do what they want."

(Y/n) shrugged, turning to look at Tails again. "Tails looks different. Don't you think?"

Silver's gaze switched from (y/n) to Tails. "I don't see anything different," He replied, "might be your imagination."

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