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Third Person POV

The strory starts when a little boy was being kept in his room for 17 years and when he's 18 years old he will get married. Why? Because his father, King Markiplier, Said so. Captain Sparklez doesn't like that, no he does't like that one bit, when he was 11 his mother took her to train how to weild a sword and bow. His father is fine with that but little he did know he will use this skills very well. Captain Sparklez's mother love him very much that when the midnight of his birthday he should run away and choose his own path but he's not alone of course, he has his best friends, Gassy Mexican, ChilledChaos and Minx, ex-guards.

His mother gave him a gift, a bracelet and a necklace. She gave them cash for food and shelter and when the 2 o'clock bell rung they ride their horses and run away, not turning or looking back.


So what do you think at the prologue?

Anyways enjoy your day :)

I almost forgot ! I didn't made the picture, I found it on deviantart... iggyt14 post it so a big shout out to thr artist ! tho I just added some text.

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