Chapter 35

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I walk around the town they greet and smile at me with their whole heart. I'm very happy that I become a king even though it has a lot of responsibilities. "Hi Jordan!" I saw Ssundee with Crainer.

"Hey guys," I smiled and hug them both "How are you two doing?"

"Great actually!" Crainer elbowed Ssundee and I raise an eyebrow "Ow, okay I'll tell him."

"Tell me what?"

"Well, we're getting married!" they show their rings and I smiled at them.

"Congratulations! When's the wedding?"

"We're not planning it yet, not until we got enough money and I want more time to be his fiancé." Crainer said.

"So you are waiting if your both sutable for each other?"

"Yup." Ssundee said and Crainer elbowed him again and I laughed "What was that for?!"

"Am I not sutable for you?!"

"I didn't mean it like that! I love you Crainer! More that you can imagine." I smiled.

"Well I'll see you two later." they say their good bye and they continue agruing.

(Time Skip)

"Hey dumbass!" I turn around and saw Chilled calling me.

"Shut up you idiot!" we laughed "Well what do you want?"

"I need an answer for my question."


"When did you have wings?"

"What are you t-" I heard a wing flap and when I look at my back "What the f-!"

"Jordaaaan!" I heard a scream in the castle I ran but failed because I found my feet off the ground. I 'fly' my wat to the castle and saw Sonja, Tucker and Tom with wings. Sonja has pink fairy wings, Tucker has red blood angel wings, Tom has dead black devil wings while I have purple angel wings. "What the hell happened to us?!"

"Well I think I know what's up." we look at Wag who teleported beside Tucker. We saw Wag with red and gray angel wings. "I think one by one, the chosen people will get wings until we finish the shadows."

"So we can't keep these wings?" Tom said with a sad tone.

"Actually we just gave you all those wings, even the villagers so when there's danger they can run, well fly away." Dianite, Mianite and Ianite popped out of nowhere.

"Welp, there's a lot of explaining to do." I sighed and flew to the village, where everybody, surprisingly calm, is in the town square. I flew down to the stage and they look at me and one by one they asked me what happened. "Settle down, no I didn't do anything to you, but the gods did." they looked confused. "They said that if there's trouble we should use this wings to flee but we should be in a group."

"Then why would you train us to fight then?"

"That's for defense, not for fighting."

"Who are these gods are you talking about?" I heard a girl asked then three lightning strike down behind me.

"These are the gods that I'm talking about, Mianite, god of greatness and ruler of the overworld, Dianite, god of mischief and ruler of the nether, Ianite, goddess of balance and ruler of The End." They wave at the villagers and the villagers kneels down looking on at the ground.

"Raise your heads, and stand up." they did what Ianite said. "You can choose a god and you should choose one, you should choose what your heart wants." they look at Ianite "I know I'm beautiful but it's rude to stare." they laugh so does the gods "Go to the right if you want to be in Mianite's side, middle if you want me to be your goddess, and left if you want Dianite's side." they move and soon they choose their gods. There many in Dianites and Mianites but few in Ianites, I guess being in Ianite's side would be good if their metal state is very healthy. "Good now we are going to tell you everything you all should know."


Hey guys, sorry I've been out for how long. I know I'm a jerk for not uploading but it's my semester break! I'll try to upload everyday but no promises.

Well anyways I will see you guys in the next publish.

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