Chapter 42

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Warning: Language, smut (h2ovanoss), feels(Kinda) You have been warned.


I felt like a wreck, it's been forever since I've been here. Although Mianite and Dianite torture me and my dad but mainly me, they gave us food but we have to work hard for that. We've done people shouldn't do. What a normal family shouldn't do. Mianite and Dianite forced me and my dad to-to...

"Jordan, are you okay?" I look at dad who was crying in the opposite of my cell block. I shook my head and he gasp.


"I-I'm fine, don't worry about i-it." he gasp again and I felt tears stream down on my face again. Dianite and Mianite torture dad from behind, dad is a top bot forced to stick up a toy up in his ass.

"I'm sorry dad."

"For what?"

"If it's not my rash actions, we won't be here."

"It's not your fault Jordan, it's bound to happened one way or another." I nodded. He kept gasping and it hurts me like it hurts him. "J-Jordan, we all know that you will make it alive, so please take care of everything for me, please take care of Evan, the city and yout kingdom."

"Don't say anything like that dad!" he shook his head. "We are going to make it alive."

"I wish so too." if only we could teleport out, Mianite and Dianite drain our powers from these chains. There are chains in our hands, feet and our neck.

"Ah, your both awake, great." Mianite said while walking in front of our cells "We have a special guest today!" he clap his hand once "Meet," he pause and looks at the door and raise his hand pointing with his five fingers "Ianite!" they pushed Ianite in and we saw her dress torn, her face bruised, blood dripping down her body. "I know, I know, shocker!" he laughed "She was hard to find and put on a fight but she is weak as always."

"I am not weak, you are, you need your own nephew to persue your dreams to rule the world!" Ianite shouted then shut up when Mianite put her to a deep sleep.

"Why?" I croak out and his head snap at me.

"Why? Didn't Ianite told us already? I want to take over the world! The most powerful god!"

"Your not the most powerful god but a weak one, you won't even fight us." dad said and he gasp again when the toy gets deeper in his ass.

"Because the faster to catch you, the better." he laughed.

"Does Dianite know this?"

"No and why should I? I mean he's a weak god like Ianite!" then a flame was thrown unto Mianite "Shit!" he look at Dianite who looks pissed "Dianite! My brother!"

"You said this will make the world peace?!"

"This will make world peace!"

"For your own intention?!" he growl and two small blackish red flames appeard behind Mianite, I saw Tom and James, they signal us to be quiet.

"No, that isn't true."

"You are a liar!" Dianite's voice boom in the room. He mouthed 'now' when Mianite look at the guard. Tom and James stab Mianite behind and through his chest. Mianite threw up blood and look behind.

"You two! I thought I erased all of your memories?!"

"Didn't you know already?! I cut all ties with gods and Wag doesn't believe in gods!" Tom deepen the sword and remove his sword "Say good bye you bastard!" he slice off Mianite's head. Mianite's head fell off the ground, rolling while his eyes open. I heard locks being unlocked. I removed my chains and crawl to the cell gate but Tom beat me to it. He ran inside and hug me. Wag opened dad's cell and remove his chains, removes the toy and he carries dad.

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