Chapter 21

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"Jerdern!!!!!" Tom shouted as I hid myself behind the throne, I saw a button so I clicked it, something opened behind me "Jordan? What did you do?" Tom asked and walked behind the throne, saw that there's a passage to the basement that I never know we had "Did you know about this?" I shook my head "Weird, SONJAAAAAAAA! TUCKEEEEEER!" Tom shouted and the two appeared magically with their mastered magic, water for Sonja and Wind for Tucker "Woah! You can do that?!"

"There's things you don't know about your powers Tom." Tucker said with a grin.

"So what did you call us for?" Sonja looked where I pointed "So, let's go investigate it?"

"Pretty much." I said with a sigh "Let's go, I'll lead the way." I walk down to the secret basement, there's no torches so I light the way with my light magic, well fire magic but it can be light. I saw a end portal "What the..." I stood on the frame of the portal.

"Don't! You might get hury if you go to the portal!" Tom panic.

"Don't worry, M'Lady is in the end." I jumped to the portal so does Tucker, Sonja and Tom. We saw the dragon, well Ianite "M'Lady!" I shouted and Ianite landed in front of us.

"Yes? What brings you here? And how did you go here?" she just look at us "Did you opened the portal Martha made?"

"So it was mother's." I whispered.

"Yes Jordan, we always talk to each other if she's upset or mad."

"Because of dad?"

"And you sometimes because the things you do when you were little." she laughed.

"So Lady, are you the goddess of nature or the end?" Tom asked.

"I'm both, also the goddess of balance but people doesn't know that much." M'Lady looked at Sonja who was looking at the enderman "Don't look at them straight in their eyes or you might get them angry from you." Sonja looked away and the enderman teleported away "Enderman are great people but bad to mess with but for the four of you they might get scared."

"Do they know?"

"Yes! I always talk with them and well I spill some beans but they don't mind."

"Okay..." Sonja look at her feet so I looked up to the sky.

"M'Lady what's that?" We all looked up "Why is it twirling?"

"Jordan and company I will teleport you back and please remove all the eyes from the portal frames and I know there's a nether portal in your room, please remove the portal too! This is a bad sign!" things fell from the sky slowly "I will see you next time Jordan and company!" in a blink of an eye we were teleported to the portal room, I removed the eyes from the frame quickly and run to our room, I remove the portal with the help of Sonja's water power and Tucker's wind power to collapse the portal.

"What is happening?!" Tom asked, I looked outside from the balcony and looked at the sky.

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out just yet." I run to the holy tree and get some saplings, I planted it around the town, the townies look confused "Towns people! Can I ask a favor?! I want you to take care of these saplings that I planted!"

"Okay!" Ssundee shouted, I know Ssundee but we never got the chance to be close but his brother Derp Ssundee is like my twin, not literally though, I saw Crainer wraping his arms around Ssundee's arm, so sweet.

"Why do we have to take care of them?" Derp Ssundee asked.

"They can protect the town and they can protect you too, if you treat it well it will protect you." I smiled at him.

"Can you be my new brother?" Derp asked.

"Derp Ssundee!" Ssundee shouted at him.

"Just kidding!" he smiled. I looked at the other people and they gave me a thumbs up.

"So will you assign who would take care of these or we should?" LDShadowLady asked.

"You can take care of that, I trust my people." I smiled at her.

"Joel! We are going to take care the sapling beside our house!" She said excitingly to her boyfriend I assume, who looks like shrek, I believe his name is Smallishbeans, but Lizzie, LDShadowLady, call him Joel.

"I will see you all next time!" me, Tom, Tucker and Sonja went back to the castle, I went to the holy tree and shoot it, shadows died like the last time, but there were more today.

"Shit! What's really going on?!"

"Things Tucker, things." I sighed.

"Whatever it is I don't like it!" Sonja said.

"In few days the miners will be back King Jordan." a guard said.

"Already?!" I said with pure joy.


"Great! Your dismiss."

"What are you going to do with does materials?" Tucker asked.

"Just like I said, things."

"I hate you." he grumbled.


End of Chapter

this might be short buuuuuut tomorrow will be back to normal!

I think things will get longer, get your minds out the gutter, I meant the chapter.

Well until then, see you guys... later!

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now