Chapter 29

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I skip everytime I walk because I wasn't the one who got penetrated last night, Tom was, he said he'll bottom for once because he did something bad now he is grumpy because he can't walk.

"Where's Tom?" Sonja asked.

"Well let's just say he can't walk for 6 hours?"

"OMG! He bottom last night?!" she squeal and I cover her mouth.

"Shhh! Don't tell anyone about that or Tom will be really upset and really sad." she nodded and just smiled "I'm serious Sonja."

"Okay Sparklez, okay." I guess she's really serious this time.

"So, are the villagers ready?"

"They said that they will harvest for food so they can't go today!"

"I guess it's free time for all of us." I grin "Good thing we can't go today for the baby Tom."

"I'm not a baby! Jordan!" I turn around and saw Tom floating using his fire magic, he has fire in his clothes but not burning it down.

"When did you learned that?"

"When Sonja teached us." I look at Sonja who was grinning in pride.

"Someone's grinning from ear to ear."

"Hey don't hurt my ego Sparklez!"

"Hahaha sorry!" I smiled at her and teleported to Max and Adam's room, they were making out so I teleported to James and Anthony's room and they were naked, they didn't see me, that's a good thing and I teleported to Minx and Krisim's room, they were... uh... touching theirselves. Well that's enough from teleporting to different rooms for one another.

"Where'd you go?" Tom asked as he kiss my neck.

"Somewhere I don't want to go again."

"Oh." he knows what I meant "Wanna search for the safe place?"


(Time skip)

We finally found it! A perfect spot for them! It's very very very far! No kingdoms near it! No bandits everywhere! It's perfect!

"I think we should go back, it's getting dark." Tom said.

"Uhh yeah, I'll just mark here annnnd..." I took the coordinates "Let's go." we teleported back in our room and went outside, I guess they are eating, we walk to the dining room and there are they, eating food.

"Hello Jordan!" Sonja hugged me and went back to her seat.

"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never greet and hug me, you just hug me or greet me." Sonja look at the others "What happened?" I cross my arms.

"W-what are you talking about?" Anthony said.

"Then why so nervious?"

"Can we just eat for the moment and discuss later? I'm getting hungry." Tom said and sat on a chair near mine, I sat on my chair and began to eat, we eat our food in an awkward silence. It's killing me.

We finish our food and they are ready to teleport but I stopped them. "So, what happened?"

"Well Jordan... We kinda... Kill... Jerry..." Sonja look down and a tear fell, I walk to her and hug her.

"Oh Sonja, don't worry, he's just my pet that I will really miss very much because he's my first pet slime and he's a harmless slime doesn't mean I'm going to get mad." the others look so guilty from what I said.


"Yeah, who killed Jerry?"

"Shadows, we play with Jerry for the day and a pair of Shadows attacked him, we couldn't save him in time..." Sonja explained "We're sorry..."

"N-no, it's fine..." I heard my voice shaking and felt tears filling my eyes but I have to be strong... I have too.

"Jordan we're very sorry..." Tucker said "We forgot to hit the tree today so the shadows appeared."

"O-oh... Who's time to hit it anyway?"

"Tom." Tucker said and look at him.

"I forgot! I was with Jordan all day."

"C-Can we just get some sleep? I'm tired." I yawn "Good night to all of you." I teleported to our bedroom and lay down. Tom lay next to me and wipe my tears, wait there are tears falling down?!

"Shhhh, Jordan it's okay to cry... Who are me to judge? I cried many of times before, when you were away I always cry because I did something stupid." he kissed my forehead "I love you Jordan."

"I love you too Tom." as I said that I closed my eyes and drift to sleep.


I woke up from what I heard, I look at the town and it's fine, Tom wakes up too, we teleported to the ground area and saw James with his spell.

"What did you do this time?" I asked.

"I just made an awsome armor! When I punch shadows and mobs my armor explode but I won't get hurt and my armor will never get a low durability!"

"What time is it?"

"Time for you to pack your things because it's time for us to go! The villagers are getting ready!" Sonja said "Don't leave your room when you have a boxers on Jordan." I look down and cover my groin and teleported back to my room, I pack my things with magic of course and so does Tom who teleported next to me when I teleported back.

"It's time to go!" Tucker shouted.

"We're here, don't shout!" Tom slap the back of Tucker's head.


"Shut up dog!"

"Stop fighting," I look in front of me "This will be a great day to build!"


End of chapter

Sorry for yesterday! I didn't upload because I need to go to school to get my school uniform and me and my brother play league of legends annnnd my family went to mall to buy stuff.

Anyways I hope you enjoy reading this, no this is not the end, yet. And I have a questing for you.

Should I write a book two? Because this will be long if I don't cut it in chapter 100? I hope XD

I love you and until next time!

Peace out!

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now