Chapter 34

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We arrive back to our original home, Dagrun. I straightly went to my office and when I arrived there I saw one of my father's friends. "Ah, Kind Jordan." he said with a sarcastic tone, like I would fall for that. "It's great to see you!"

"What do you want?"

"Ouch, why do you got to be cold." he put his hand on his chest faking that he's hurt, then his face darken. "Why would you destroy your contract with us?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I own electricity!"

"Well too bad I found a way, now leave." I said coldly. "We don't need people like you here and never come back here." I felt him shiver, he walks to the door.

"This wouldn't be the last time you will see me!" as he opens the door.

"Oh, it is." he slams the door.

I walk down to my chair and look at my drawers if there's something missing.

Whew, good thing there's nothing missing.

"Jordan?" Tom opened the door "Who's that guy?"

"Just a bastard."

"Want me to kill him?"

"No, don't!" I walk to him and hug him. "I love you."

"I love you too." he kissed my forehead and wrap his arms around me. I felt his hands sliding down to my butt.

"I don't want to disrupt your make out session but we need help. ASAP." Tucker said. We let go of each other and walk to Tucker.

"What happened?"

"Someone's trying to destroy the castle."

"Shit..." I whisper.

"Do you know who's behind it?"

"I have a hint." We run outside the castle and saw army of the Red Star* in front of us.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Sky said.


"You shouldn't have break the contract."

"I don't need it, so why would I continue the contract if I don't need it?"

"Hmm," he walks around me, I'm going to lose my mind if he touch me "Maybe you should think about your actions," if he pokes me on my chest I will break his arm "Jordan." he pokes me on my chest. That's it. I broke his arm and throws him down. His army was in shock so my army took that moment to take them down.

"You shouldn't have done that, Sky." I look at him "You don't know who I am and what I'm capable of," I kick his face "I'm not like my father, but I can be worst that him, more that you can imagine." he gulp and stood up "Don't you ever come back here ever again!" I punched his face and he fell, when he looks up he has a bloody nose and nods, he runs away with his injured army.

"Woah." I look around and saw Tom with Tucker, their mouths open.


"You. Are. Amazing!" I blush as Tom said that "You are scarier that your father earlier! I almost pee my pants! Tucker did though." as he points to Tucker's pants that's dripping in urine.

"Hey! I just spilled my water bottle!"

"That looks and smells like a urine?" I asked while giggling.

"Hey!" and we laugh.


Hey guys I'm kinda back! Well I'm just going to give you this short chapter because I never upload any chapters so here it is!

*Red Star - I just like that sound/group, it's a cool name for a group

Anyways I hope you have a great day!

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