Chapter 15

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It was 9 days after Tom's birthday. I blush thinking about that day, I looked at the mirror and stare in my eyes. I can still remember what Tom said. Why are my eyes glowing? It's even in my diary. I left the bathroom and saw Tom is still sleeping so I went back to my 'office' and read my diary.

'Dear diary,
I met someone today but he said he wants to take me and run away with him but when Max saw him he pushed him and he told us his name, I forgot his full name but his first name is Tom, why does he want to run away with me? Maybe for money, to save his family, now I felt guilty, I want to find him, he might be a little bit older but he must really love his family.'

Huh? I met Tom? or is it a different Tom, I should ask him later, I turn to the next page and saw blood stains on the pages, Why are there blood stains?

'Dear diary,
I saw daddy slapping Max, Anthony and Michelle, I tried to stop him but he slap me hard and I hit the wall, he runs to me and hugged me, I touched my head and there's blood, at first I was scared but I didn't panic, I stood up, walk away from daddy's grasp and when I saw mommy I called her and when she saw me she screamed and rush to me, she hugged me and we called a private doctor to treat my head. They said nothing is wrong, I told mommy what happen, after that I followed mommy, she took Anthony, Max and Michelle from daddy's guards and we went to daddy's room, daddy sat up on the bed and when mommy reached daddy she slapped her hard and he fell out of bed, they argued, I tried to stop them but they won't listen so I broke a vase, they looked at me and they said that my eyes are glowing with the mixture of red and blue but not combined, just mixed. I shouted at them for aguing and told them that I don't want people to argue, they just look at me, mommy was kinda shock but proud but daddy was scared at me, I run to my room and locked it for 5 days.'

So since I was little my eyes are glowing but why? I threw the diary from frustration and saw a paper fell from the diary, I picked it up.

'Dear Jordan,
This is your mom, by the time you were reading this, I must be dead because you don't want to recall memories if I'm still alive. You must have many questions but I can only answer two, I know you know your eyes are glowing for strong emotions, stronger emotions if you are extremely happy, sad, angry, in love. We are from the descendant Ianite, our Goddess, my mother, your grandmother. She is the Goddess of nature and balance. Her eyes glow like yours if she is having extreme feelings. I think that Dec told you about your powers so I'll tell you about how to summon your bow, the bow of light and justice. You have to think that you are holding a bow, once you think about that, you need to imagine that everything is at peace and you'll see a light, when you see that light reach it and you will obtain the bow, your quiver will be on your back, it is endless, you can also change your bow to a sword, spear or dagger, but you can stab people with your bow because it is sharp as big bertha. Good luck for your mission, I will miss you and I love you Jordan, I really do and don't die, you should not die. I love you my baby.
Love Mom, Martha.'

I was crying while reading it, my tear drops fell to the paper, I cried loud, people might hear it but I don't care, Tom saw me crying, he rushed to me and hugged me "What happend my love?" Tom asked, I give him the paper "Oh Jordan..." he hugged me and I hugged him back while crying in his chest.

I cried for a long time, once I stopped I was looking in the mirror, my eyes are glowing blue "Tom?"


"Look into my eyes." he looked at them and he was shocked "Don't freak out, please, my eyes are glowing because I'm extremely sad. You might or may not know but I'm a descendant of Ianite, she's my grandmother. So I might got some of her features."

"Jordan, I really love your eyes." Tom said while leaning down to me "I really love you too." Tom kissed my forehear and I smiled tightening my hug.

"I really love you too."

(Time skip)

When I regain myself back, we went to James, Sonja and Tucker, they were practicing. "Hey guys." Tom said and they looked at us.

"What happen?" Tucker asked and Sonja punched his arm "Ow!" Tucker looked at me and I just smiled and he frowned "Sorry."

"No it's fine also, I learn about something." they just looked at me, I closed my eyes and concentrate, I was thinking I have a bow on my, I saw a light and grab it in my mind, I opened my eyes I saw a bow on my hands not just any kind of bow but a bow that's beautiful, it has purple and blue in it, it was a short bow and I have a quiver on my back.

"WHOAAA! THAT'S SWAG!" Tom said with excitment "Now you have to teach us that!"

"Sure, but first I'll try this bow out." I took an arrow from the quiver and I put it on the bow, ready to shoot, I looked for a target and saw a barrel on the tree, I released the arrow, while it was on the air you can hear the wind that's being pierced by the bow, when it landed on the barrel it exploaded, Sonja screamed a little but Tucker and Tom screamed like a girl and louder than Sonja.

"HOLY SHIT!" Tucker shouted, Anthony, Minx, Krisim, Max and Adam was running to our direction, Anthony run to James.

"Are you okay my sweety?" we looked at Anthony while we can see the shade red of James face, he doesn't know that his hood fell because of the explosion.

"S-stop it! Y-your embarrassing me." James said, he reached for his hood but he just notice that his hood fell so he quickly put it back on.

"What did you guys do?" Adam asked with a worried face, well that's new.

"Jordan did it! Blame Jordan!" Tom said.

"Thanks Tom, very much appreaciated." I rolled my eyes on him "Yes, I did it, but I didn't know the barrel will explode like that when I shoot an arrow from this bow." I show them my bow.

"Whoa." Krisim was shock "That's a cute bow." she said.

"Thanks, I guess."

"Well never do that again Jordan or you will scare the people." Max scolded me.

"Yes mama Max." I called him and they laughed while Max is still scolding me?

"When are you going to teach us that Jordan?" Sonja asked.

"Soon as possible I guess, it is easy so tomorrow because it's getting dark."


End of chapter

Well see ya in the next chapter, it might be publish tomorrow or today, sooooo stay tune!

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