Chapter 2

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Jordan's POV

Every night, every single night I have the same dream, I was in a dark place with some white stones on the ground. You can see the void at the edges. There was a huge dragon and it likes me and I like it. I think it's a girl so I named her Ianite. I don't know why but that's the fitting name for her. When Ianite opens her mouth her words was "Wake up, move along and be careful." I'm confused but I always remember those words.

I woke up and it was morning, Hannah, Anthony and Max are sleeping. I get up, stretched, get my bow and arrow and went to the river I saw yesterday. When I finally got there I hid because somebody was bathing there. He was an undead but he wasn't burning at the sunlight, his eyes are closed, when he turned around, looking at me, I saw some body definition, my mouth waters for that abs and pecs. What was I thinking?! Maybe I'm just hungry. I heard rustling behind me and I was ready to shoot my bow, I run out of the bush and somebody was running towards me, I shoot an arrow to the person but he dodged. I was shocked that he dodged that. I tripped and fell landing with my butt first on the ground. The person bathing on the river screamed like a girl and I hold my laugh.

"Calm down Tom, it's just me and this boy who was-" I shot an arrow in front of his face and silenced him.

'Tom' was going to my direction so I got up and run away towards the camp "Guys! Wake up!" Max and Hannah woke up holding their swords "I messed up so pack the things and we're leaving here."

"What did you do now?!" Max shouted.

"I'll explain later." I checked if my hood of my cloak is still on and it is.

"Sparklez if th-" we heard rustling in the bush I shot my arrow and somebody stood and dodged it.

"Crap." I whispered.

Max walked towards me and leans to my ear "What did you do?!" he whispered.

"I was going to hunt some fishes for breakfast but then this person was there bathing so I hid on the bush..." I stopped while blushing and he just raise an eyebrow "Then I heard someone behind me so I run and shot an arrow then the other person dodged it and I tripped and I saw the other person walking towards me so I run here."

"To be short, you watched someone bathing then you almost shot somebody and made them come here."

"Sorry..." I blushed and looked down.

"Let me talk to them." I just nod and keeping my hood on and went next to Hannah.

"Where's your arrows?" she asked.

"I'll craft them later." she just nod and hugged me, we might not get along but she's still like my big sister.

"Sparklez come here." I stood up and went to Max "We are going with them."


"Because they want us."


"Because they saw how you shoot an arrow."

"Can you stop interupting me?"

"Whatever, so is that an okay or not?" I just nod while picking up an pebble and throwing it to Anthony. He woke up when he felt the pain on his head. I hid behind Max.

"WHO FUCKING THREW THE PEBBLE?!" He stood up and looked around and when he saw the two other people he fixed himself.

I was holding my laugh and it was not enough so I went to the bushes hid there and picked up some pebble and circling around the area and kept throwing him the pebble.

"SPARKLEZ WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I went back to Max's back who's almost laughing and I showed myself and when Anthony saw me he was confused.

I can't hold it back and laugh hard, I saw him running towards me and I run towards him and when he stretched his arms to get me I slid down and he didn't notice that he was going towards to a tree.

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