Chapter 13

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Tuesday is right around the corner! I'm getting excited but I'm kinda scarified, scared and terrified. me, Tom, Tucker, Sonja, Anthony, James, Minx and Krisim are playing hide and seek, James was the seeker and we are all hiding inside the castle, I know this is unprofessional but I'm still a kid, what do you expect? The guards are fine with it but I told them make sure nobody leaves in the castle. I was under James bed, I know it's so obvious but hey, people never look in the obvious spots! I heard the door opened and saw James' feet looking around, he was leave but I moved my feet and hit the table.

"Found you Jordan!"

"Gosh darn it!" I crawled out the bed and looked how dirty I am, I just dust myself to continue the game, James and I looked for everybody, we found Anthony under the dining table, Minx and Krisim in the closet, Tucker holding on the beam on their room, Tom in our bathroom, 'Really Tom? Why the bathroom?' I thought to myself and we are missing Sonja. We went to the library saw Sonja reading something.

"What are you doing here Sonja?" Tucker said "I know you love reading books but only small books not that big!" he's right, she was reading 698 pages.

"Well if you didn't know, There's a code in here."

"A what?" I asked.

"A code, you see in the second page there's big letters in specific word, in pages 2-8 there's a name, Dianite, pages 57-64 there's a name, our, mine and Tucker's, God, Mianite and in pages 355-361 there's a name, Ianite." she explained and there's also a text here in page 456 in all big letters, 'SWITCHING REALMS' and in 564 'FOUR HEROS USING A BOW, A SPEAR, A SWORD AND DAGGERS'."

"What's the title of that book?" James asked.

"I don't know," she booked mark the page and closed it, it was titled "Cursed Land." Sonja reads the title out loud.

James was quite "James?" Anthony called him "What's wrong?"

"As you guys know, there's a prophecy, four heros will be united to fight the evil, it's the four of you, Jordan, Tom, Tucker and Sonja, you four are your god's champion."

"What are we even fighting?" Tom asked.

"The shadows." I whispered but they heard it.

"Shadows? How can we fight a shadow?"

"Light?" James said.

"Yes, a light can defeat the shadows." a voice echoed the room "If you all guys know, Jordan have some powers, he might not know it but it's one of his goddess gave him, Tom, Dianite gave you three so does Sonja and Tucker, but Jordan is different, he have powers that he was born with, he have 5, you can train your powers but it will be difficult."

"Who are you and where are you?"

"I'm Dec, I'm a priest that can communicate with your gods and I'm behind you all." we looked behind us and saw an old guy, I guess he's ginger.

"What do you mean, powers that I was born with?" I asked.

"When you parents died didn't it rain, no not rain but a storm, around the kingdom?" I just looked at him "Well it's because of you, you can change the weather whatever your feelings are, your Goddess is the Goddess of nature, so your powers are all about nature but there's one power that's not about nature, a bow of light. Tom, you God is the God of the nether, you can manipulate fire, pour out lava out of your hand and you will have a sword of light? Tucker and Sonja, your God is the God of the skies and overworld, Sonja you can control the water, the wind and you will have daggers of light and good will, Tucker you control wind, water, a spear of light and a shield of protection."

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