Chapter 1

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Jordan's POV

"Theeee! Wh-"

"Jordan! Shut the fuck up!" Minx shouted and I looked at her poking out my tongue to her "One more time and I'll cut your fucking tongue!" my eyes widen and just hold the lead of the horse and look in front "That's more like it."

"What are you talking aboot?!" I shouted to minx "It's so boring without anything to hear!" she just sighed.

"Jordan," Max said and I looked at him "Look! There's a village." I put on the hood of my cloak and just nodded.

We rode with our horses to the village and some people are alarmed but some are just okay with it. We stopped by to a market and we dismout our horses and held the leads of our horses. We walked to the market and bought some fruits.

"Psst." I heard somebody "Hey kid." I looked at the side and saw a guy with a cloak "Come here." I just ignored him and looked forward following Max.

"Sparklez." Chilled whispered to me "We need to get out of here, I heard people here are bunch of bad people." I nodded "I already told Max and he agrees, we need to ride our horse and run away." I looked at him "Ready?" I nodded and ready to jump to the horse "Now." Chilled whispered that only four of us can hear and run back to the forest.

I looked behind, some people are holding swords so I took out my bow and shoot at the feet of their horses and their horses startled.

"Good job." Minx said smiling "Let's go back to the camp." we went there silently so they can't hear us.

"So..." I broke the silence, I opened my mouth and ready to sing "N-"

"Don't even think about it." Max and Minx said, I just sighed.

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep."

"First sure and second you guys said it wrong, it's aboot." Chilled correct them and they throw pebbles at him "Aw! That hurts!" I just smiled at them. They are my best friends and they are my new family now.

Third Person POV

The kingdom was devastated when they notice that their future king was gone! King Markiplier asked for a reward that who found Captain Sparklez will recieve 2000000 golden coins, but without a picture it will be hard to find. King Markiplier want Jordan to be the king and he'll do whatever it takes to find him. It was spread to the whole country, every village, forest, towns and even other allied and enemy's kingdom.

An undead that can talk like a human and didn't but at morning heard this and told to his friends, he was Tom Syndicate. He told Seananners, Krisim, Jericho and Firefox. Jericho and Firefox are dating, Krisim is single and ready to mingle with any girls and Nanners is just... Nanners.

After Tom told them they agree to find the missing prince, no not missing but hiding prince.


Later or maybe tomorrow I'm going to upload two chapters.

Anyways Have a good day and Mother's Day is coming, what are you going to do in mother's day?

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now