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I pace around my room thinking about what will happen tomorrow. "Jordan calm down." I look at dad who was worried from what I'm doing right now. "You'll be fine."

"That's what I said to you when you were going to get married and BAM! Evan slipped while walking down the aisle!" he chuckled.

"That's in the past Jordan."

"More like from the last three months." I mumbled.

"Hey! Just-" he looked at me with a calm face. "Calm down."

"I'm calm." I sat down. I breath normally and I felt better.

"See? It feels nice right?" I nodded. "Good because we're going somewhere."

"To where? It's the middle of the night."

"It's your bachelor's party you dingus." he rolled his eyes and called our friends, yes our, I became friends with their friends, creepy isn't it but it's fine.

"Hey Jordan!" WildCat greets me.

"Hey Tyler!" I greeted back.

"Where's them hoes at?!" Dad shouted and my face turned red from embarrasment.

"Oh look, Jordan's blushing, like he never seen a penis before and never been touched." my face was getting more red, is that even possible?! I freaking hate you Craig.

"Let's start the party!" Dad shouted.

-Time skip-

I woke up with a massive head ache. I slowly sat up and saw Tyler and Craig cuddling in the sofa that turns into a bed. Dad with his teddy? Moo and Cartoonz. I forgot that Evan's with Tom and Tucker and Sonja. He's with everybody I guess but bonding with my new friends is great but with my old friends would be better. They know well Dad also knows but they somehow knows my history but not my new friends.

I walk to the kitchen and drank some water. I forgot to buy aspirin for us but hey, it's what we get for from drinking to much.

"Morning son."

"Morning dad." I still can't believe that I called dad, dad so easily but I still can't believe that Mianite is a good god but turns into a bad god. Dianite wants peace but Mianite used him.

"Ready for today?" I just stare at him and thinking that am I really ready for this? "Jordan? Don't say you want to back out. That will break Tom's heart."

"No, no I won't back out." he looked relief. "I'm just really nervous." I'm not lying though. My heart's beating so fast, my palms are getting sweaty but I feel like I'm in heaven when I think that Tom and I getting married.

"That's what I'm feeling last three months ago." he smiled. "Come on, change your clothes and if you want some aspirin, it's in the cabinet." I opened the top cabinet and saw it.

"Thanks dad!" I shouldn't shout, that worsen my headache even more.

-Time Skip-

"Come on Jordan! You're the one should be waiting down the aisle not Tom!"

"Tell me why that I'm not walking the aisle again?"

"Because Tom wants to walk down the aisle and you don't because Evan slipped."

"Oh yeah, now I remember."

"Now go there and wait." he said as we entered the church. I walk down the aisle, which is surprisingly not slippery, maybe I'm just too nervous thinking that I might slip but it's really not. We waited for 30 mins then the bell started to ring and the pianist starts to play. I felt cold air pass through my face and my hands getting sweaty. The door opens and saw Tom with Tucker. I chuckled as I see Tom wearing a gown and Tucker's face red from laughing. I look at Sonja who gives me a thumbs up and I just grin and gave her a thumbs up.

As Tom and Tucker reach the steps of the aisle I took Tom from his hands. "Be happy little kids, and give us some time to bond, okay?"

"Of course, you are my friend." Tucker sat down next to Sonja. We walk in front of Dec who was the church priest.

"We are all gathered here today to witness a beautiful wedding. Those who want to stop this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one spoke and we smiled.

-Time skip-

"I present you Mr and Mr Maron, you may now kiss your br-groom." we chuckled. I lean towards Tom.

"I love you."

"I love you too." we kiss and the crowd cheer.

"I still don't know why you don't want us to be named Cassell."

"Because I love you so much I'm willing to sacrifice my last name for yours."

"You're so sweet but so cheesey at the same time."

"That's why you love me."

"I guess." he form a shocked face.

"You jerk."

"I'm kidding, you still rember our vow right?"

"Yeah." we smiled at each other.

"Together forever, we are stronger than a mountain, we are not going to be destroy by waves, tornados, hurricane, and storms." I recited my vow and he smiled and kiss me again. We walk down the aisle.


This is the beginning of my friends, my family, my life. I want us to be happy always and I don't want anything to happened. Together forever, we are stronger than a mountain, we are not going to be destroyed by waves, tornados, hurricane and storms. We are one. I, the hidden prince now a king, will love you for enternal. I will sacrifice myself to you, I love you Tom, and nothing will change that.


Together forever, that's what we will do. I am once a threat to the law but when I saw you, you change my life, you change me. My world spins around you and I would give up everything for you. I would climb the heavens just to make you happy. I will be yours forever and you are mine. I love you Jordan, until the end of time.


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