Chapter 4

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Jordan's POV

I woke up and felt that someone is hugging me, I looked up and saw Tom is hugging me and notice that I was hugging him too and my head is on his chest. My face heats up and didn't move so I don't wake him up, I heard that the door opened. "See I told you they will be sleeping and they will cuddle!" I heard Minx told Chilled.

"Well they must be quite good friends already, huh?" I heard a smack and it came from Anthony's head "Ow! Why did you do that?!"

"Because they might be friends but they like each other you dumbass!"


"So they are cuddling?" I heard Sonja asked and someone walking inside, I closed my eyes and I saw a flash from my closed eyes "This will come in handy to blackmail them." I heard Sonja with a smile.

I move a little and they walked quietly but fast outside and closed the door. While I was thinking how can I get up Tom removed his arms wrapped around me and put it on his head so I quickly got up and put a hard pillow beside him like I never left. I opened the door and rubbed my eyes like I just woke up.

"Good Morning Jordan." Max said with a smile on his face, what has gotten into him?

"Good Morning Max." I said with a smile and a confused face.

"How's your night?" Now somethings not right.

"Are you okay Max?" he just answered me a 'Mmm-hmmm'

"Why'd you ask?" I looked at Adam who was smiling and blushing like an idiot as the same time like a newborn guy. Oh now I get it, they're together now.

"Nothing." I just smiled and walked to Adam "If you hurt Max I will slith your throat, remove your spine and decapitate you." I whispered to adam with a kind voice but he was shocked and he just nodded and smiled.

"Like I would hurt someone like him, I mean look at him..." his smile grew larger "He's perfect."

"Okay, so I guess he's in a perfect hands huh?"


"ADAM!" Krisim yelled "King Markiplier released the missing posters of the Prince!" my heart started to raise. As Krisim gave the posters to Adam my heart felt like it dropped from the heavens to bedrock.

"Uhh, Jordan, what's the meaning of this?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked like there's no problem and not nervous but in reality I felt like I'm going to break.

"Are you the missing Prince?" Adam asked, I got up and leave the room and climbed higher and sat on a branch.

When I look at the surroundings I felt so relaxed and calm, when I looked down I saw Sonja, Tucker, Minx, Krisim, Chilled, Max and Adam looking at me.

"JORDAN GET DOWN FROM THERE!!!!!" Max shouted in the top of his lungs.

I saw Tom walking outside asking what's going on and pointed at me.


I put up a little show that I stood at the branch and walked back and forth and sat down again, but this time I was upside down.

"OH MY GOD JERDERN!!" Tom shouted and I smiled what he just called me. I sat back up and sighed so I climbed back down and waited for them to scold me but the only thing I recieve is a hug, from Tom "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"I just want some piece of mind and want some air."

"When they said they want some air they don't mean they need literally air! They need some space!" Tom scolded me.

"Okay mom." I smiled and felt guilty.

"Jordan!" I looked at Max.

"Ye med?"

"I'm not just mad Jordan! I'm furious! You're in big trouble! When I contact Q- I mean your mother you will be in trouble!"

"She will not be mad at me." I smiled "She will be thrilled."

"Ugh!" Max just went back inside.

"Jordan can we talk for a bit?" Adam asked and I just nodded "Alone?" the others went back inside but I know they're just listening behind the door so I knocked loudly and I heard some groan and they left.

"What you want to talk about?"

"Why did you run away? You were in a great place!"

"You don't understand." I just sighed while I walked to a wall and sat down on the floor "I don't want to be there, after my birthday, which was last week, my father wants me to marry someone and take over the Kingdom, I don't even know royalty that much because he locked me in my room for 17 years." I looked into the heavens "I waited for this day to come." I stood up and looked at Adam "So you will you take me back to my father?"

"What? No! At first, before I met you, I want to but then now I know I won't because the past two days of my life was amazing with Max, Chilled, Minx, Krisim, Tucker, Sonja, Tom and even with you." he smiled "Because they were never this energetic and alive before you four came here, to me they are family and with the four of you came the family grew bigger and Waglington, the Wizard joined in and starts to talk to people."

"Thanks grandpa." I smiled poking my tongue out.

"Wait, hold on, if I'm the grand father then Max will be the grand mother and Krisim and Minx will be the Mother and Father leaving you, Tom, Tucker, Sonja, Chilled and Waglington the children."

"Pretty much."

"Great, Now will you excuse me I will scold my grandchildren, my children and my wife for eavesdropping." We entered the house and they were beside the door listening to us. "Well what do we have here." Adam and I just smiled looking at them. This will be a fun and awsome family.

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