Chapter 16

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It's been a month already and the status of the miners are great! When they're attacked by bandits the guards protected them and give them aid, the guards and the miners are getting along better! I looked at Sonja who was throwing her daggers on the trees, there's a sturdy tree that even these holy weapons cannot break.


"Jordan! Teach me while they're asleep!" Sonja said with excitment "I want to be the first one to learn! Well second!"

"Okay, okay." we went to the training ground "Okay, think that you have two daggers in your hands, just conscentrate, find your peace, then when you see two lights that looks like a dagger grab it."

"Okay." Sonja closed her eyes, she was focused, I heard rustling in the bushes so I took the holy bow and ready to shoot at the bushes, a shadow jumped out the bushes so I shoot it with my bow and it died, it vanished, there's another rustling in the bush, I looked around, but I focused on Sonja, Sonja opened her eyes and throw her dagger behind me and a shadow died "That was close." Sonja said while her dagger that she threw went back to her hand instantly, I shoot an arrow to the big tree and a big light lit the area killing the shadows around us, me and Sonja was amazed.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Sonja and I said together, we looked at each other and laughed.

"Well our girls are laughing." Tucker and Tom appeared behind us giving us a group hug.

"Good morning to the both of you too." I told them.

"Come on Jordan, your tooooooo much formal!" Tom whined.

"Whatever Thomas!" he chuckled and I blushed.

End of flashback

"Hey." Tom called me.

"My name is not hey you douche." I pouted and he hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

"Sorry my love." he kissed my lips, I kissed back, someone coughed, we looked behind us and saw Sonja and Tucker with their holy weapons.


After teaching Sonja, I teached Sonja Tom and Tucker complained because they were the last two who doesn't know how to summon their holy weapons.

When they were trying to summon their weapon I looked at Tom who was blushing while his eyes were closed and when I looked down there I blushed because of embarrassment. "Tom can you stop being horny and just focus from what your doing." I whispered and when he opened his eyes he wasn't holding a sword but a toy to be clear it's a dildo. He blushed when he saw it, hold my hand and run to our room, Sonja and Tucker was laughing their stomachs out.

Flashback end

I blushed from the memory and looked at Tom who was winking at me. I smiled and poked my tongue out, climb to the top of the 'holy' tree since it's indestructible even fire can't burn it down. I looked at them and shoot an arrow near Tom's foot, he screamed like a girl and looked at me with horror. "JORDAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" he shouted angrily.



"Nope!" he walked to the tree and tried to climb but failed he groaned in anger and frustration. He walked back inside the castle.

"Wow he's really angry." Sonja said.

"I know, I just want him to leave me for a moment because I'm going somewhere with Minx and Krisim." I climbed back down "Please distract him for an hour or two."

"Sure thing." Sonja said while Tucker gave me a thumbs up.

(Time Skip)

Minx, Krisim and I went to town with our cloaks, the guard knows it's us but the town doesn't know us so it's fine.

"Wow! This is the town?! It's cool!" Krisim whisper-shouted.

"Well you should see more." Minx said, holding Krism's hand.

(Minx's POV)

I looked at Krisim with a huge smile and she blushed. She's really beautiful and an amazing person, if I didn't know her existence then I'll be alone forever. I looked at the time and I hold Jordan's left hand because I know people will be out in this hour. I tighten my grip on their hands and rush to the end of the town. We panted and when we turn around we saw a group of shadow, we run to the forest while Jordan was shooting them, they were dying when they touch the arrow.

"MINX!" Krisim shouted and when I looked at her she pulled me, hugged me and turn around, then a quick second I can see her blood in the air.

"KRISIM?! KRISIM!" An arrow flew beside us and killing the shadow.

"What happened?!" Jordan's face pale when he looked at Krisim "Krisim?!" I can hear that he's tired but he kept protecting us but I can't protect Krisim... My love of my life. "Minx don't give up! We can still save her!" he carried her and we run back to the town, we went to the hospital and called the best doctor there.

"Minx?" I looked at Krisim who's face was pale "Don't give up, avenge me, protect them, if you followed me then I'll be mad at you." Krisim smiled then her eyes are slowly closing. The doctor checked her pulse then they confirmed that she died. I screamed in horror, anger and sadness.

"Minx... I'm sorry I can't protect you both... I'm sorry..." Jordan was also crying and hugged me.

"No Jordan, it's my fault that we run away from safety, and didn't know where we were heading... But... But she knows and she protected me but I can't protect her... I... I really love her..." I cried louder and tighten my hug to Jordan, he hugged me tighter too while I was crying my heart out.

(After a week)

We made a burial for Krisim, a royal burial, we put her body on a boat full with flowers... and my heart, my feelins, my everything, while the boat burns her body was protected from the fire, when the boat was destroyed her body was wash back down to the shore, I looked at her body and there's no burn.

"W-what?" I asked to Dec.

"While you were away, I told everybody that there are 6 holy guardian that fights with the four holy warriors but now there's five... she's the sixth." I looked at Krisim and her skin tone was turning back to normal. She coughed and opened her eyes, her eyes was bloody red.

"Wh-what happened?" She asked but I hugged her tight.

"Y-you fucking died! I thought you were dead!" I cried. I looked at Jordan who was also crying with Sonja.

"Oh yeah... I died... But a God revived me, his name is Dianite, he gave me this." she opened her palms and a flame burst to her hand then a long sword appeared on her hand.

"M'Lord?" Tom asked.

"Our Lord Tom, our Lord." she smiled and hugged me.

"I fucking love you Krisim, don't ever die on me again!"

"I'll try." She kiss me and I kissed back "I love you too."


End of chapter

Well... I was listening to demi lovato's song and felt so emotional so I kinda wrote this chapter with the emotion that I felt in her songs. I freaking love demi lovato!

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