Chapter 7

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Jordan's POV

After that episode them meeting my mother we went downstairs with an awkward silence.

"So, Tom, wh-" Oh no mom is starting again so I interrupted my mom.

"Mom, we're nere."

"Oh, it's so fast like your father in bed. Oops I must not say that stuff."

"M'Lady Ianite please help my mom." I whispered and Tom heard so he chuckled.

"Ooh, what did you whispered to Tom, Jordan?"

"Honey you should embarrassing our child." father said.

"Thank you father." I whispered to him.

"No problem, well let's enter and eat."

(Time Skip)

After we ate supper me, Tom, Sonja and Tucker went on top of the castle, well the roof that is, I know a way to go there anyway.

"So this is where you always go when your father's away?" Tucker asked.

"Yes, when you look around the Kingdom you can find peace, when you feel the wind brushinb through your skin it feels amazing, when you look at the starry stars you can find yourself so relaxed." I said while looking at the starry night.

"You must really love up here." Tom said next to me. We cuddle because I can feel him getting cold, I don't really mind him cuddling, well we cuddle every night so I don't care.

"Yup, I feel at peace." placing my head on Tom's chest, feeling myself drifting to sleep.

Tom's POV

"Jordan?" I looked at him and he's asleep. I smiled, just looking at him makes me tell him that I love him, yes I know love is a very strong word but I really do love him.

"So Tom," I looked at Sonja who's wiggling her eyebrows "When are you gonna confess?"

"I was thinking about earlier before you interrupted me." I whispered shouted, because of that his hug tighten, I played around his coal black hair and smiled because he still have the sunglasses that I gave him.

"Sorry Tom," she sighed "Let's to back before he gets a cold." I nodded, I stood up slowly, scooping him up and carry him in bridal style.

(Time Skip)

"Good night Tom!" Tucker said.

"Good night Thomas!" Sonja said.

"Good night guys."

"Please kiss him good night for us, okay Thomas?" Sonja teased.

"Oh shut up." they entered their room and so do I, I closed the door with my foot, just pushing it, lay him down the bed, I locked the door, remove my shirt and lay down beside Jordan. "Good night Jordan." I kissed his forehead and I felt him hugging me and laying his head on my chest.

Jordan's POV (Dream Mode)

I look around and saw nothing but a void, a void leads to anywhere.

"Jump brave heros." M'Lady? "You all need to jump and help the others," I am confused M'lady. I look around and saw Tom, Sonja and Tucker "You don't have to be afraid, hold each other's hands and jump at the same time." I hold Tom's and Sonja's "Now jump brave heros and don't be terrified from the evil things behind you, My brothers and I will help you to complete your mission."

I looked at Tom, he hugged me and kiss me passionatly and felt him disappearing, I tighten my grip on Sonja's hand but disappeared, I looked around and everybody's gone, I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me, and I felt at peace.

"Jordan, wake up my grandson and be with your 'family' and help the in your mission."

(Warning this part might be not suitable if you don't like anything smutty or anything sex related, I kept this 'cute' for the young audience to read so don't ask for something more, if you do then you all have to agree in one thing, smut or not, your choices. Anyways back to the story!)

I woke up smiling from my dream and I don't know why. I move a little bit and when I moved my knee and hit something hard, when I look at Tom he was ready to moan, I teased him a little bit and he moaned, I smiled, I felt happy for teasing him, OH MY GODESS! Am I a sadist?! I sure wish not. I moved my hands to his chest and played a little bit on his nipple, good thing he's a deep sleeper. He turn around looking at me but his eyes are closed and his hard on is poking my stomach and I blushed. I moved my free hand and teased him again. He moans, only I can hear. He hugs me tighter and I can feel his hard on throbbing, I felt that I'm also getting hard. I notice that my lips are on Tom's right nipple so I blow a wind at it and licked it, he moans again and he moans louder when I nibble it. I kept doing it until he stir a little bit, he moves again facing the other way and I got up and he pulled me back. Crap, he's awake. "Don't leave me here." Tom mumbled and I think he's still asleep but knows that I was going to leave, I cuddle with him again but his hard on gotten worse. He's hard on is kept throbbing and wants some attention. I pushed Tom out of the bed. "WHAT THE HECK JERDERN! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!"

I coughed awkwardly "Well you will die more if your little friend over there doesn't stab me when I woke up." he looked down and his face redded (is that a word?) "The bathroom's over there." I pointed behind him. He covers his 'friend' down there and run to the bathroom. I waited for a couple of minutes, I heard him moan a little and he's volcano errupted from the sound that he's making. He leaves the bathroom, feelimg weak and heads back to the bed "You are so loud, can you keep it down next time?" Did I say next time?

"Will do, and don't push my again, just gently slap my face." I looked at him and made a confused face "I mean just slap me but not hard."

"That's what she said." I whispered and he laughed. OMG I love his laugh.

"What time is it?" I looked at the clock and it's 6:47.

"Almost breakfast," I stood up "Let's go! I forgot that when your here, you will have the best breakfast you can ever have!"

(Time Skip [Wow a lot of time skips in this chapter])

After breakfast we, Tucker, Sonja, Tom and I, stroll around the castle, Sonja saw the garden and she fell in love with it. We walked to the garden and missed how much this looks like. "Mom always water this garden everyday, she doesn't want anyone to touch something you will get punished." I smiled from my memory.

"Did you got scolded?" Tom asked and I nod.

"Yeah, once, when it's her birthday I cut three roses, two tulips and one dandelion, when she notice that it's her flowers I got scolded big tim and when she cools down she put those flowers on a vase and took care of them."

"So you're a trouble maker?" Tom said smiling.

"Not like you earlier." I poked put my tongue and he blushed.

"Hey! It was not on purpose!"

"What did you both do earlier?" Sonja asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing, why?"

"Oh you know, the walls might be thick but I'm a fox so I can hear things you cannot hear, well except for you Jordan, I know you heard it too." Tom and I blushed.

"What'd you do?" Tucker asked while smiling.

"It was nothing." Tom and I said at the same time.

"Okay love birds, whatever you say." Sonja just smiled and Tucker laughed.


So this will be the last upload for the week, in Wednesday I might upload.

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