Chapter 31

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I left the house with Tom supporting me, god dammit. He's rough again.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine, now I can't do anything of 3 hours."

"Woah, you improved!"

"Shut up." he laughed and put me in the kitchen, I 'sat' on the chair and put my head on the table.

"Good Morning Jordan." Crainer greeted.

"Morning." I raise my hand up while my head is still on the table.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm peachy."

"Okay? Want some coffee?" I raise my head and look at him.

"Sure, why not." he went to get me coffee. He came back with a mug of coffee, the mug is cute, it has writings on it 'You are my prince' I'm guessing Ssundee or Derp Ssundee gave him this.

"D. Ssundee gave it to me."

"Oh..." I sip on the coffee "Thanks for the coffee."

"No problem, now I'll go back to work, while you rest your butt here." he winked at me and I blushed, did I said it out loud? "Yes, please don't say what's on your mind out loud." he left.

"Hey Jordan." I jumped and look at my left, I saw Wag with a hicky on his neck, I pointed at his neck and he covers it "Is it that big?"

"That's what she said..." I whispered and Wag chuckled, I think he heard what I said "And yes, very, was that last night?" he blushed and I smiled "So that's why the house was shaking." he slaps my arm and I laughed.

"Shut up Sparklez!" I just laugh until it got tiring to laugh. "Are you finish?"

"Wait for it..." we stop for a second and I sigh "Yeah that's all."

"What'd you sigh?"

"I don't know." I smiled "Anyways where are we doing now? It's so boring when your not doing anything."

"Why not train some villagers, or the girls that's not doing anything so they can protect themselves." I though for the moment.

"That's a great idea!" I stood up and feeling my butt being okay. "Yay it's not long to recover anymore!" I jumped in joy and clap my hands "Girls, guys and kids who isn't doing anything, follow me and bring a wooden sword." they took a wooden sword so does James, there were 16 people in total. We went to an open field near the safe zone. "Okay." I look around and pointed to a kid "Come here and I'll teach you how to fight." he walls to me and the others are looking at me "I would suggest that you all should try to train or practice, if you need help approach me or Wag." I pointed at him. He waves at the, and they nodded. They raise their swords and the sound of wood clashing together are the only thing you can hear. "Also no one should hurt each other, once your opponent is down or their sword is not in their hands then the fight is over." they shouted an okay and continue what they are doing. I look at the kid who was looking up to me. "Hi there, what's your name?"

"I'm Zek." I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you Zek." I think he's around 10-12. "Do you know something wielding a sword?"

"Yes I have." he smiled "I've been fighting silverfishes and zombies that are in my farm."

"You own a farm?"

"Well... Yes, my parents are dead and the only thing that keeps me alive is my crops." he was ready to cry but he hold it in. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Thank you." as he pulled out from my arms.

"No problem, also did you go to school?" he shook his head "Well then, from now on, you will be studying in school." I ruffled his hair "You will get a scholarship so you better have a high grade!" he nodded and smiled at me. "Now, we should start training." we raise our wooden sword.

(Time Skip)

Zek is good and can keep up. If he coninues he will pass Tucker and Tom! Well not me though. Not to brag or anything. "Okay, that's enough for today!" they smiled at me and they sat down on the ground. I look up to the sky and saw the clouds in the sky. I heard footsteps walking to me. I look to my right and saw Tom and Wag standing near me. Tom gave me a hand and I hold on it and pull it so I can stand up. I look at everybody who was getting up and leaving.

"How are you my sexy Jordan?" I blushed and kiss his lips.

"I'm doing great!" continue kissing his lips and he tried to remove my shirt but I stopped him. "Tom, no, it's not healty if we do it everyday."

"Okay, I undrstand." I was kinda shock that he said he understand. "Well let's go and eat." I nod and we held hands and we skip all the way through the camp.


Sorry if I can't update this story but I'm trying my best. As a college student I'm struggling with my schedule so I can't write more but I tried so this is what happends. I'll try again in the next chapter.

I love you guys and Until next time!

Peace out!

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now