Chapter 12

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People doesn't want me to be their king. I can feel that, why? Because I 'never' did anything. That is a lie, I gave my all so our food resources doesn't drop. I help the poor and give them some shelter and when they can get into their feet they can work for money and doesn't depend on me.

"Jordan?" Tom hugged me from behind and kissed the side of my neck. "What are you thinking?"

"Ummm, I was thinking that if I just give up from being King and go somewhere far away fron here."

"That's a..." please say great idea "Bad idea!" well I tried "You think running away will solve anything?! Think about your parent's hard work!"

I looked at the light bulb that's blinking, I suddenly got a good idea! "Tom! Thank you for the talk! I need to go somewhere now! Bye! Love you" I went to the throne room and called 10 guards. "Hi," they smiled knowing that I'm weak in their eyes but I'm the king and I'm stronger than them "Call all the best miners in town, don't force them if they don't want to and don't hurt them." they nodded, I looked at Max and Adam in the background holding hands, when they looked at me they raise their hands and show them their hands to me and I just smiled. While I sat at the throne I look at the ceiling, the ceiling changed after that day, well to me the old one is cool but this one is cooler, the ceiling is full of doodles by the worker because I told them to draw things in the ceiling because I don't want them to be plain. The doors opened and I looked at the door.

"My king, these are the best miners in the town." I looked at the 5 people who was looking down "The others doesn't want to go because they don't trust you."

"Thank you," I looked at the miners "Raise your heads, tell me your name."






"Well then, Gizzy, Cib, Hwnt, Aureylian and Aphmau I want you to find all the rescourses you will find the the mine, I will triple your payment than your normal payment."

"But King Jordan," Gizzy replied.

"Just call me Jordan,"

"It's fine not to raise our payment." the others agree.

"Nonsense! You will be away from your family and you all might be away from a long time." they didn't say anything but a simple thank you and I smiled in joy. "Your welcome and be with your family for now, tomorrow you all will leave at dusk." They left but the guards stayed "I got a mission for all of you." they listen "I want you all to protect the miners from anything, get the best gear in the wearhouse, at night you all can get some sleep but in every hour you all will need to switch for lookout." they nodded "Oh and by the way," I stood up, in their eyes I vanished but I just run behind them "Don't treat them as a slave or any kind of trash." they gulp and nodded. "You are all dismissed." they left and so do I, I walked to Sonja and Tucker's door and I knocked at their door loud and fast to irritate them. I heard someone stomping to the door and I crouch and hide at the side of the door.

"WHOSE THERE?!" Tucker opened the double door and I sneak pass him, when he turned around I was behind him so he screamed like a little girl and fell out the room, I closed the door when he was out the room. "JORDAN OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR!"

"Sorry Tucker but Sonja and I need to discuss some... Things." I said to him behind the door and walk to Sonja who was sitting on bed.

"What do you want Sparklez?" she asked while crossing her arms.

"I think I'm ready..."

"Whoa! Why are you telling me this things?"

"No you ass, I'm ready for... Tom." I blushed while looking down "I just don't know how to tell to Tom."

"Well you know, give him a little shake thay you want him."

"What do you mean by 'shake'?"

"You know, seduce him or something, also did you know that he's birthday is coming this tuesday?"

"No... He never told me."

"He might forgotten it but give him a birthday sex." She winked at me and I blushed harder. "Well I'll just warn Tucker if he hears something." I looked at her like she knows something "Someone is a loud one here." I looked around and saw a pillow and throw it at her. "Hey!" she removes the pillow and I hugged her.

"Thank you."

"Anytime brother." I opened the door that Tucker fell for leaning at the door listening.

"Hey!" Tucker scratched behind his head. "I won't tell anything!"

"I know you won't," he stood up and I 'teleported' to his back, well he might now see that "Because if you do, I will hang your head above the fireplace." he gulp and I patted his back. "Good day afternoon to the both of you by the way." I smiled.

"Jerdern!" I saw Tom running to me and I walk to him and we hugged each other "Where have you been? I've been looking for you!" I felt his hands going down, down to my hips.

"Umm, Tom, hands?" he removed his hands on my hips while we are both blushing.

"Sorry," he kissed my forehead "Let's go somewhere!" he holds my hand and we walk to our room "Let's go ghast hunting!"

"Whoever gets the most tear wins?"

"Your on!"

(Time Skip)

I won since I always use my bow, I got 32 tears and Tom got 16.

"Not fair! You are good at aiming and shooting." (Again that's what she said. Sorry XD)

"Well sorry for having good eyes, reflexes and hands."

"Your hands might be small but can do many thing."

"Like what?"

"Like, shooting bow, fighting with a sword and writing some shit." I laughed because of this innuendos. "Why are you laughing?"

"Innuendos!" he thought what he said earlier and blushed and I just laughed! I heard another ghast cry so I shoot it in the dark and the Ghast died and when I walked over there I got another tear. "I really won!" I jumped.

"Whatever kiddo," he rolled his eyes but I kissed his cheek and he smiled "Can we just get out of here? We are not safe here, well you are not safe here, since Dianite is near us he's protecting me."

"Did Dianite accept me as your 'lover'?"

"Yes, he supports us." he smiled and suddenly picked me up bridal style "Let's go." I kissed his neck and wrap my arms behind his neck.

"I love you Tom."

"I love you too Jordan." I kissed his lips and he kissed mine too.


So if you want me to write a smut comment down or here.

Or I will write all the smutty scene to another book where it's called smutty chapters.

This is the only chapter that will be uploaded today. Soooo, deal with it, nah just joking, I love you all 😘😘

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