Chapter 18

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(Adam's POV)

I was staring at Max while he sleeps, he might be manly but he's still cute.

"Stop staring at me." Max said with his sexy, hot, beautiful, perfect, melting morning voice "Stop narrating your thoughts Adam." I blushed "Just kiss me."

"No way! You didn't even brush your teeth yet!"

"Well so do you so let's be disgusting together." Max said with his deeply, sexy h- "Okay, okay, just stop narrating my voice every morning!" I chuckled and kissed his lips.

"I love you Maxy poo."

"I love you too you Bananners."


"Yup, you like banana but that banana is my d-"

"Whatever, I'll take a shower, join me if you want." I winked at him.

"Why the hell not?" we took a hot shower, "Adam, don't move a muscle." Max whispered.

I turn around and looked at him "Why n-" I felt a sharp thing impaled me, I looked at Max, he wasn't safe, he got stab too "Sorry, I didn't listen, I love you Max." I felt myself getting cold.

"A-Adam, keep you eyes open don't close them!"

"But I'm getting sleepy." I force my eyes to be open, Max kissed my lips and I felt the shadow inside the bathroom with us died.

"See ya soon... Max." I closed my eyes and felt myself getting unconcious.

(Spirit World)

"Adam," I looked around and saw a person with horns like a demon and with a red blood skin with dead black eyes "I am Dianite, Tom and Krisim's God."

"Oh so you revived Krisim?"

"That is correct and I will do to you too."


"Because you are the co-leader of the holy guardians."

"Who's the leader?"

"Your lover." Maxy poo "Yes, Max, he also died, Mianite is talking to him right now, we can go to the." I nodded and just a blink of an eye we were teleported with a soothing aura.

"Adam?" Max called me.

"Yes?" he run to me and hugged me.

"Mianite, why not give Max his powers and weapon?"

"I was going to until you showed up, brother."

"Whatever." Dianite rolled his eyes.

"So I'm guessing you don't like each other." I asked.

"Not a bit." they both said together.

"Brothers? Are you fighting again?"

"No, Ianite." Mianite said "Dianite is just explaining things to these two."

"Ah, Adam and Max, it's nice to meet you! I only see you both in Jordan's dream but I never meet you in person!" she clapped her hands.

"Nice you meet you too, Lady Ianite."

"Non sense! Just Ianite, I don't want to be called lady! I felt like I'm getting older when people call me that!"

"Lady Ianite." Dianite insulted Ianite.

"Whatever brother." she pouted and crossed her arms "Oh and please protect Tom, Jordan, Sonja and Tucker! I'm feeling that they are going to do something stupid that people might like them but have a headache when they do that."

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