Chapter 20

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I looked around and saw that everybody is busy doing magic and training and stuffs. I sighed, I looked at Tom who was training his fire magic, Sonja mastering her wind and water magic and Tucker who also mastering his magic. I looked at Minx and Krisim who was training using their weapons, let me explain their weapons. Max has a bow and sword, Adam with a sword and a shield, Wag with a staff, Anthony with a spear, Minx with a sword and shield and Krisim with her staff and shield, I don't know why she has a shield buuuuut I'm not going to ask her that. Krisim has powers like James, Minx and Anthony have powers but they like to attack using their weapons more but Max and Adam uses both magic and weapons. If your asking what am I doing I'm writing a book, I don't know why but I'm writing a book thinking that this book can be enchanted with magical powers. I looked Tom who was shooting his flames to the tree but the tree never burns. Sonja and Tucker are playing with their water magic. I continue writing the book and when I finished the book flew and it glows.

"What did you do this time Jordan?" Max asked getting his sword.

"Nothing, let's just wait." The book fell down to my hands, there's an old writing there, the things I wrote was gone and change into old writings. "Leviosa." I read the book and looked at Tom who was floating in the air (Sorry Harry Potter much buuuuuuuut I change the effect)

"JERDERN!!" Tom screamed like a girl I laughed.

"Cado." I read the bottom line of 'Leviosa', Tom fell on the ground, butt first, he stood up and run to me "Leviosa!" I shouted and he floated again and I laughed.

"Jordan! Put me down! But be more gentle!"

"Cado." I use my earth magic to put some leaves from where he falls down. (Grammar isn't here with me right now😂😂)

"Where did you get this book?" Max asked.

"I took it with no writings so I write some stuff and it floats then poof the things I wrote is gone but there are new things now, well old writings that I used to learn. Good thing I still remember things." I laughed. Tom took the book and tried to rip it but it was indestructable too like the tree.

"I fucking hate this book!" I took the book and read another line in the book.

"Clamor." Everyone except me are crying, I laughed but they are still crying "Confuto." I said and they stopped crying and looked at me with angry eyes. "Crap." I run but James has a teleport spell so does Krisim so they god me and they teleported me back to the training ground "Hey guys! How's life?"

"What should we do to him guys?" Tucker asked.

"Maybe kill his pet slime?" Tom suggested.

"You wouldn't!" I shouted.

"I was just joking Sparklez! Or am I?" he has a devious grin on his face.

"Do it or you'll be sorry."

"No one will kill the slime!" Max said "Let's just tie him on the tree, put out a t.v. and let him watch horror movies." Max smiled at me but I looked at him in horror.

"You wouldn't."

"Tucker get the camera." Sonja said while Tucker run to the castle and Sonja with a rope in her bag, why does she have ropes in her bag? You know what forgot why I ask that "Put him on the tree." we looked at Sonja "What? I want to see his reaction to horror movies so I asked Tucker to get the camera." they smiled and put me on the tree and Sonja tied me tight but not so tight that I can't breath, I just can't move.

"Here's the camera." Tucker gave her the camera and film me while watching a horror film. I scream and close my eyes. They laugh and died from laughing, well not literal but you got my point!

After two hours of torture I was petrified but Tom's touch made me move. It gave spark to my body.

"So Jordan what have we learned?" Tom asked with a playful tone.

"Use the book if you only need it?"

"Nope, it's don't mess around us."

"I did already in the past though."

"We know but not with magic."

"To you, no but with everyone else, I did some things." Sonja and Tucker blushed while Minx and Krisim laugh. James and Anthony looked at each other and Max and Adam just looked at us.

"Eh?! I wasn't there when you did all of your pranks?!"

"You were sleeping."

"You never left in my grasp."

"Who said that I have to leave?" The wind push Tom down to the leaves and I wrapped him in the leaves "So I never 'leaves' you alone in the bed Tom."

"Jordan strikes again with a bad pun!" Tucker commentates as the others laugh from Tucker.

"Let me go Jordan." (Please don't, don't let him go from your heart.)

"I'll think about it." Tom struggles and thought that he can burn the leaves easily "Too bad those leaves are from the holy tree."

"I hate you Jordan!"

"I love you too, should we all eat some pie?" I asked the others and they said yes "Call us if you need something Tom."

"Jordaaaaaan!" I laughed and let him go from the leaves and run to me and tackled me so we fell on the ground, he was on top of me "Can you not do that again?!"

"I'll try." I smirked and he sighed, we got up and went to the dining area to get some lunch because why the hell not? Pie in lunch might sound crazy but crazy is amazing! Crazy people are the intelligent people in the world but people doesn't agree with that because they said thought that crazy people are weird and stupid.

(Time skip)

We kept training our weapons skills and our magic and we saw that it's turning dark. "So who's going to light up the area?" I asked.

"It's my turn!" Krisim said excitingly, she run to the tree with her staff and hit it with it. The area glows, the whole castle and the forest, from the light and kills all the shadows hiding in the dark.

"Wow there are shadows that are hiding today." Minx said and we sighed.

"What do they really want?" I asked.

"Power I guess." Minx said and we sighed again.

"Why we sigh a lot?"

"Stress and tired I guess." they replier and yawn.

"True, well it's night, good night." we say our good night to each other and went to our room and sleep.


End of chapter

Hey hey hey! (Sunday Sunday Sunday!)

How are you people? Sorry I didn't upload yesterday but here's another chapter, the other will be uploaded at the same time! Sooooo enjoy!!

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now