Chapter 41

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I felt my body paralyze, hurting, sore and bleeding. "D-dad?" I croak.

"I'm s-sorry son but I can't do anything." he hang low his head and I felt defeated.


I walk around in town with Tom.

"Hey Tom."


"You want to know a secret?" he raise an brow "I was never the only son of mom."


"There was my older brother but he split his path."

"What do you mean?"

"My brother is Adam, Sky, ring a bell?"


"Yeah... I never thought that I would meet him in a bad way."

"Sorry to hear that."

"No need, well I should get going."


"Paper work."


"Oh shut up." I punched his arm lightly "See ya later babe." I saw him cringe in the pet name. I laughed and kiss his cheek.

"See ya." I walk to my office while Tom stroll down the town.

-Time skip-

I took the last paper then the door slammed open. "Yes?" I glared looking at the person who opened the door loudly.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" Mianite said with a sly smile.


"You don't have to disrespect your uncle like that Jordan, didn't your mother taught you manners?"

"She did but I never saw you as my uncle, Mianite." I said his name with venom.

"Good, because I only see you as a monster, demon."

"The feelings are mutual, demon." he snapped and flew to me with a fast pace but I can follow where he is going, he was about to punch me so I ducked and punched his face with brute force. "Get out of my kingdom and never comeback!" he flew unto the wall.

"This isn't the last you will see me!" he vanished.

"Fucking shit." I groan and look around the room, papers are everywhere. I have to re-arrange this pieces of fucking shit. Today is not my day.

-Time skip- (Coz I'm laaaazy)

I stroll around the forest until I heard a broken twig, I turn where that sound was but I saw nothing. I kept walking until I saw Jerry's tree. I climbed the stairs until I reached the top. I burried Jerry near this tree but decided to put his grave stone in the tree. I turn around with my sword and saw Mianite and Dianite sitting on my bed.

"Well look do we have here Dianite," Mianite smiled "This job will be easier that expected." I two black and white hands but I was pushed out of the way and saw dad getting trapped in the hands.


"Oh look, a bonus." Dianite said with venom and my spine shivered in fear.

"Good night, Demon." my eyes blur and my body felt numb.

"T-Tom." I whispered before I felt my eyes falling down knocking me out.

-End of Flashback-

My memories flooded back in my mind and I felt my tears streaming down my face.

"Jordan..." Dad said with a sad tone "They will save us, we will make it, alive." I can hear that he's lying about 'we' will make it alive, it's either one of us will live.

"Okay dad, okay." Tom, Ianite, guys, please help us, please.

Tom's POV

I suddenly felt a sharp pang in my chest, I look around saw no one. "Tom!" I heard Jordan scream my name so I run where was the sound was and saw Mianite and Dianite vanishing while Delirious and Jordan getting suck in a portal. I run to Jordan but it was too late. I run to the castle and search for everybody.

"What is it Tom?" Sonja asked groaning then scratched her head.

"Jordan and dad was taken by mianite and dianite!"

"Who was taken?" Tucker asked.

"Jordan and Delirious."

"Sorry Tom but we don't know who were you talking about." Chilled said and I raise a brow.

"What the f-" I groan loudly "You don't know the king of this kingdom?!"

"What are you talking about Tom? You are the king of this kingdom!" My eyes widen when Nanners said that. I step back and run to Jordan's office.

I entered his office and look around, they were right, my name was in all this paper work, what the fuck is going on?! I heard a knock on the door "Come in." I groan with a low tone.

"Tom, I don't know what's happening to everybody and I know your not crazy, everybody change suddenly." Wag entered the office and said all of that while entering.

"So I'm not delirious?"

"No." I sighed "We have to save Jordan and his dad."

"But what are we against to gods?"

"We have the other ianitees and Ianite." I nodded "Ianitees are loyal to Ianite, I hope so." I raise my brow.


"Because some of them change their beliefs and follow Dianite or Mianite." I sat on the table and scratch my head in fustration "Then we are hopeless."

"Yeah, but we have to try."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Let's go before-"

"Too late." a figure appeared behind us and I blacked out.


End of chapter


Hey guys I'm here to say thank you for the support, I know some of you guys are really bored because of my lack of talent writing, but I tried. I am happy that some of you appricate my writings, I won't point people and they don't comment but they message me.

I love you guys, and see you all later.


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