Chapter 10

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"Jordan wake up!" I heard Tom's voice and when I opened my eyes I felt there were tears in my eyes "What did you dream about?"

"Its... Something different from the others but it's kinda peaceful when you look at it."

"Did somebody... You know, died?" I nod "Is it someone you love?" I nod again and kissed him.

"I love you Thomas, forever together no matter what."

"I love you too Jerdern, forever together no matter what." I kissed him again, he kissed back, we kiss each other for 15 minutes so we can catch our breath. "What did you dream about?"

"Well," I started to remember the dream "You were in our bed and you, well we are very old, when you closed your eyes you slowly pass away."

"It's not a painful death but it's my ideal death." Tom smiled "When I die I will watch over you and when it's your time I will be there to say that I miss you and I love you so much." Tom kissed my forehead, I blushed and looked at the time.

"It's 6:00?!"

"Morning, we were alseep for quite some time." Tom stood up out of bed, I did the same thing, we went to the dining room and saw Mom, Dad, Sonja, Tucker, Adam, Max, Krisim, Minx, Anthony and James (Wag) having a good time.

"Well look who's here." Sonja smiled and the others looked "It's the sleep-a-holic."

"Sleeping is good but sleeping too much is not healty." Mom started "Do you know that-"

"Honey I know they know that," Dad interrupted her "Well have a sit so we can start eating." we sat "Before eating I'm telling you all that Jordan will be the new king next two weeks!"

"Dad, I think I'm not ready yet."

"Nonsense!" he smiled "You, without knowing, know how to rule a kingdom, you might not notice it now but sooner or later you will know." he kept his smile "Well then," he clapped his hands one time "Let's eat."

(Time Skip)

"Well in next two weeks, I will be so busy." I looked at Tom, Tucker and Sonja. (I just notice that if you say not spell 'J T T S' it will be Jordan, Tom, Tucker and Sonja but when you say it, it will be different. Back to the story.)

"Nonsense! With us here you won't be busy, well you might be busy if you were with Tom but you get our point." Tucker said and I blush, so as Tom.

"Well it will not happen so fast," I poked my tongue out "I'm waiting till mariage."

"Ooooh Jerdern is scared getting penetrated." Sonja teased while I blush with the word 'Penetrated'.

"Don't embarrass Sparkly pants over here." Adam and Max to us and sat at the grass. "Well what are you young bastards doing?" Tom throw a pebble at Adam "Hey no need to get violent here lover boy, besides I'm your grand pa, ain't that right grand ma?" Max blushed.

"S-Shut up!" I smiled while looking at Max, he finally found someone to love.

"Well what's going on over here?" Anthony and James walk to us, I saw something that made me smile. "What are you smiling aboot Jordan?"

"Well someone needs to explain why you both holding hands." They looked at their hands and I saw Anthony blushed but James might be blushing but I can't see it because of his hoody hiding the light of his face.

"Well we're kinda, ummm, together, and..." Anthony explained.

"Basically we're in a relationship and Thony over here is so scared to tell you all." James said boldly while Anthony just blushed and slap James' arm.

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