Chapter 24

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I looked at my right and saw Tom sleeping, well I always sleep on the left side of the bed but hey! He open the doors and his awards are some kisses. Sometimes he has a dirty mind but he's a classy guy, he sings along with me, sings along with me. (Okay I'll stop this reference from Meghan's song. I'm soooorrrrryyyyy.)

"Stooooop singing!" Tom removes his arms around my waist and turns around "You have a awful voice so please stop."

"Y du u haf 2 be med?"

"Are you even speaking english right now? Just leave the room and give a man some sleep." He stopped talking and I pouted, I stood up, opened the door and looked at Tom who was sleeping and his eyebrows are in the middle meeting, I slamed the door loud and I saw Sonja looking at me.

"Jordan? Why are you mad?"

"Nothing." I mutter.

"Hey! Don't be mad! What about let's go to the beach to get away?"

"Huh? What about Tucker?"

"Just leave him be, he's sleeping and argued with me." She mutter something but I didn't quite hear it "Let's go?" I nodded, I saw Anthony and James arguing.

"No! You don't!" Anthony shouted at the crying James.

"What's happening here?!" I asked them.

"Don't get involve Sparklez this isn't for children like you!"

"You didn't just go there Chilled!" I hold James' hand and Sonja's hand and bolted out of the castle "James what happened?"

"Well I was waking him up because he was having a nightmare but when he wokes up he was angry and shouting at me like crazy, I didn't do anything bad." he cried and we hugged him, we saw Anthony running to us so I stopped him using my earth magic, I teleported us to the beach which is a private beach.

"What's with people getting mad if they are being waken?" Sonja shouted.

"What are we doing here?" James sniffled.

"Just to get away from the angry people." I heard someone teleported to us and saw Minx and Krisim sad "What happened?" I asked to them.

"Well everybody is mad and we don't know why." Minx said.

"Why not give them a piece of mind and let's enjoy here at the beach!" Sonja shouted and removed her top.

"Hey! No one's getting naked here!" I shouted before she removes her bra "Just keep your clothes on, I'll be back here with some towels." they just nodded and run to the water, James sat on the sand looking at the ocean, I teleported to my room and didn't see Tom right there. I picked up my towel and teleported to Sonja's then James' then Minx and Krisim's. I heard some footsteps.

"So what are we doing right now? We dun goof." Tom asked and sighed "Are we on our period?" I almost laughed but I hold it in.

"Dude! We're not girls okay?! Just mad about something." Tucker said with a sad tone.

"I'm going to be dead!" Tom shouted "Jordan's soooo mad at me." he said with an angry voice and punched a wall.

"Hey! Don't break stuff! We just fixed this castle last month!" Anthony shouted "I hope James isn't mad at me." I sighed and teleported back at the beach. I looked around and saw them making a sand castle, well kinda literal making a castle.

"Whoa! When did you made this?!"

"After James throw rocks at the ocean, well biiiig rocks but now he's fine, he's making a room up the 4th floor."

"Is this even stable?"

"Yup, she poked a wall and didn't budge. I made some sand stones, well I made all of this sand stones actually." she flew up with her wind magic.

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