Chapter 8

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Jordan's POV (Okay starting today, every chapter is starting with Jordan's POV and when I switch POV I'll just put who's POV's is it.)

Sonja and Tucker went to the town while me and Tom stayed in the castle, we were in our room and we just cuddle in the bed. "I'm so bored!" I complained.

"Well there's nothing to do."

"I know!" I sat up "Let's go to the nether!" Tom sat up and he was confused "I always went to the nether when I was bored." I stood up, walked to a wall and push a secret button revealing the nether portal "I made a passage to the nether." I walked to the door and locked it.

"Wow, that's cool." Tom walked in front of the portal while I was walking beside him, I pulled his hand and went to the portal with him. When we arrived in the nether I forgot that I made a base here, I took a set of diamond armor and gave Tom a spare diamond armor set, I took a bow and sword while Tom took a sword.

"Well, let's kill some zombie pigmen." I smiled.

"Su- Wait WHAT?!" he yelled "WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-"

"Yeah, I'm crazy but I always do that and decapitate them." I looked behind Tom and smiled, he also looked and his eyes widen "Yeah, I killed just a few."


"Stop shouting." I rubbed my temples.

"Are you okay?" he lift my chin with his finger gently, we put his forhead over mine "You have a fever Jordan."


"Don't just say 'Oh' Jerdern you fool!" I took of my armor and put it back also the weapons, Tom did the same thing and we went back to the portal. Tom head to the bed when we got back to the nether and I closed the portal just clicking another secret button.

I walked to the bed and lay down beside him, we cuddled. "Tom I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I love you." I just realized what I just said and I hid myself with the blanket but I felt stupid because he's using the blanket so he don't cold. I looked at Tom and he was blushing and smiling.

"Jordan," he sat up so I also sat up, we stared each other, he leans down "I love you too," he kissed my lips, at first I was surprised but then I found myself kissing him back. I felt a pair of hands sliding umder my shirt up to my chest, he rubbed my nipples and I moan.

"T-Tom I-I'm not r-ready yet." I stutter and he stopped.

"Okay, I understand," he winked at me "Well what do we call ourselves?"

"Lovers?" I asked he yawn "Partners?" his eyes brighten up and sparkled.

"Yeah, partners, well Boyfriends to be true." he spaced out for a bit "So in this relationship, who's the Top and the Bottom?"

"OH MY GODDESS TOM!" my face heated up "Don't just say things like that! With me, I like it old school, we have to wait until marriage."

"But Jerdern!"

"Tom I know your horny but can you at least hold it until I get 20? It will be in two years and after marriage, we can make love everytime you want."

"Well for two years I'll hold up my load so when I explode there will be a lot." he wiggles his eyebrows and I slap his arm "Hey what did my arm do?"

"Nothing," I blushed "Can we just cuddle?" we cuddle "I love you Tom."

"I love you too Jordan." he kissed me and I kissed him back. I can feel myself drifting to sleep.

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