Chapter 39

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I stayed in the tree for three weeks without people around me, I meditated, I relaxed, I was alone. I miss everybody. I want to go back home, I know dad said I shouldn't pick sides and I have to do the right thing but I'm running away from it. He visited me a few times when he's free. We bonded a few times, we made jokes, we told stories even though he know me very well, we watch movies and much more in one day. We never got bored at each other, but I felt I'm lonely. I felt somethings missing.

"Jordan?" Delirious called.


"What are you thinking? I've been calling you but you kept staring at the window."


"You miss him huh?" I didn't said anything "I guess I'm right."

"I don't know," I sighed "I just felt something's missing, I felt that I'm running away from the world."

"Mini Ladd controlled Tom."


"Mini Ladd controlled Tom to make you jealous because he knows that you're going to search for Tom, he wants you to be strong and fight for him but you run away, so I'm going to say, yes you are running away." I groan "I know it's hard Jordan, but if you keep running away what will happen in your life? Where will you go?" He hugs me, a very big hug, even though he have giant muscles it's still comfortable, I'm not falling for my father, I just, admire his body and I admire his fatherhood.

"Thanks dad." I hug him back.

"Well it's time for me to go, and you too Jordan." I nodded and lets go of the hug then he just vanished. I sighed and smile. Here I come reality.

I teleported in front of the kingdom and walk to the gates. I saw guards holding spears pointing at me. "Who goes there?" the leader asked. I removed my hood from my head and their face paled and lowered their spears "We deeply apologized for our ignorance."

"What happened here?" I look around and it looks... Deserted.

"They are in the tows square training."

"For what?"

"The war."

"War? To whom?"

"The shadows."

"Who declared war with them?!" I suddenly raised my voice and they flinched "Sorry."

"The gods." Shit.

I run to the town square and saw the three gods teaching the town folks. "What the hell are you three doing?!" I whispered yell at them.

"Don't speak to your uncles and aunt like that Jordan." I heard dad said. I sighed.

"What are you doing?"

"Your dad declared w-"

"He did not." their face paled "I told him not to and you declared war to him!" the towns folk look at us and stayed quiet "Do you want me to tell them the truth?!"

"Jordan, what are you talking about?" Sonja asked and I look at her.

"THEY," while pointing at the gods "Banished my real dad to the shadows because my mom cheated from Mark, my foster father." I heard gasp from the towns people "And they declared war to him, my father is not a bad guy, we shouldn't help the gods because they declared the war, not us, I am not taking any sides because this will cause more trouble, I want this town to be safe." I look at the gods "And they are not helping, they are supposed to help not to order us around like servants." we heard a boy screaming while pointing at the sun, the moon is going to cover the sun. It suddenly became dark. A full eclipse. Dad suddenly shows up.

"Delirious?" I heard a man called him.

"V-Vanoss?" Dad's face became pale but gain his composture "I'm here to make peace in this town, I don't want to hurt anybody here."

"How can we trust you?" A villager asked.

"Do you trust Jordan?" they all nodded "If my son trust me then you can trust me, I don't want my son to be hurt." he look at the gods "So what will it be, Dianite, Mianite, Ianite?" he said their names with venom.

"I-I also want peace." Ianite said and walk to us. Mianite and Dianite look at each other and vanished.

I look at Delirious "You tried dad."

"Yeah, I'll see you soon, son." he vanished and the full eclipsed passed.

This will be a destrution to the whole town.

Hey ya'll school is right around the corner, to be exact tuesday but it's only the first week so I'm going to be posting some more.

Thank you for the support and I know it's kinda short but it will get longer *wink*

See ya'll soon, bye!

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